hi all. I manage a property for an owner. The owner has now also signed up with a formal local agent...who has their own website with propery listings but also uses Airbnb.
The second agent has listed this property...so it is now listed on Airbnb twice.
Yes it's stupid...we have different rates, rules, pictures (clearly same house...but I style a bit more for photos).
Owner doesnt seem to get that she is splitting her house up and confusing guests.
Does Airbnb allow 1 property to have 2 listings by 2 seperate hosts?
The other agent knows it's a duplicate, so i find their behaviour as deceptive. I note they cancel a lot of their bookings...probably to drive them to their own website.
Thoughts anyone? what can I do? report them? does this contravene any Airbnb conditions?
thanks LG