Sorry if this topic has been discussed before, but it has occurred to me that the review system could use a simple addition: guest history. Let's face it, there are "bad" guests out there. The problem is that a host will have no idea that he/she will be hosting a bad guest if the guest doesn't leave reviews from past visits.
A very simple solution for this is for Airbnb to display the guest's history on Airbnb: where the guest has previously stayed, the guest's previous reviews from other hosts (which is currently there), reviews left by the guest (and an indication if no review was left), and a way to contact previous hosts where the guest had stayed.
For example, let's say Guest X has stayed in 6 different places, totally trashed the room and stole some stuff in each of the 6 places, and left no reviews. Now the 7th host has no idea what he/she is getting into. The host could reach out to a couple of the previous hosts and ask "hey, how was Guest X?". And naturally, the hosts would reply "DANGER! BEWARE! ...etc."
sounds really simple. let's make it happen(?)