
Level 2
Pontiac, MI


I have noticed that while on other sites, I see Ads for Airbnb popping up.  These ads show homes/rooms in my area for rent.  Does anyone know how these ads/pics are chosen?  I have seen a lot of these ads and would like to see my home in these ads.


8 Replies 8

@Mary696 there is more than one way for ads for AirBnB listings to appear.

Some hosts create FaceBook ads for their specific listing(s).


What you might be seeing are ads that AirBnB is buying for themselves to promote the entire platform.

The ads are supposed to be customized based on knowledge about the person viewing the ad.

You can read more about them here:


Level 10
Kraków, Poland

You might be simply seeing Google ads, @Mary696. Whenever I visit some stores, I start getting targeted advertisements in the browser. No magic here.


// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

This is dynamic programatic advertising (My field of work 🙂


Basicaly, if you check your own listing, or listings around your area, you get a cookie in your machine.

You then get served ads that showcase properties in the same area / with the same criteria as the ones that you just saw.


If you look for properties in another area / country, you should start seeing ads for that location as well / instead of.





Level 4
Berkeley, CA

Hello everyone,

I'm a brand new host on Airbnb and am curious about what I can do to bring more visitors to my listing? My background is in programmatic media as well! 🙂 Airbnb's analytics comprise solely of views which only provide 1 dimension of data.  It's great to see the # of views but what I'm curious about is the deeper data (all anonymized, of course) of who's visiting, where are they visiting from etc. Has anyone successfully tried implementing a 3rd party tracking pixel on their listing? I can see Airbnb has employed a bunch of pixels on my page and is capturing data, is there any way that we can get access to that? 

Would love your feedback/thoughts? Please upvote as Airbnb seeing this will hopefully get them to build a better analytics platform for hosts!





Please enlighten us more, as you find more.

I am positive there is a 3rd party out there that does this. I'm sure Airbnb will gladly sell this information to the big boys (real estate developers, programmers, hotels)  This info has great value. But how do we tap into it?  

Level 4
Berkeley, CA

Also, just read this:


Question on my mind is, if I run a paid advertising campaign that's bringing visitors to the listing and Airbnb re-targets and gets them to convert, does my host fee go up (as per the article)? How does Airbnb demarcate between their advertising campaigns and ours? Not sure if this is the correct place to post this question, open to recommendations! 🙂




Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Mary696 That's a great question. One you would have to ask google and Airbnb.

It's complicated.

I see my space advertised, because I had recently viewed it on Airbnb.

It's google's/Airbnb's clever way to remind people of what they saw.

Unfortunately, clicking the ad does not bring up my listing. It merely brings up Airbnb's front page 😞


@Paul154, I'll be glad to share whatever I learn.  The technique they use, that @Roberta2 correctly identified is targeting strategies using programmatic media.  Here's a very simplified analogy that might help explain how it works.  Consider a large group of high-school students visiting colleges.  Some of them ask questions of the faculty, tour and sign up for more info.  The ones that do then get placed in a "smaller", more relevant pool of potential candidates that the colleges send additional info. to.  The colleges basically want the students to enroll and once they do, they move on to the next big batch of potentials.  It's a simple sales cycle that they're pursuing where they cast a wide net and narrow it down.  All the adtech companies do this in some shape, way or form to make advertising more relevant and helpful for people.