AirBnB please Implement non-arrival days as opposed to un bookable ;-)

Level 1
Paris, France

AirBnB please Implement non-arrival days as opposed to un bookable ;-)

Imagine a guest wants to stay a month.  However as you (the host) know that you are going to the country on a week end within that month, Your only option is to block the dates (hence loosing the booking).
PLEASE put in to place the possibility to block arrivals on certain days !
Same goes for istant booking which should not be only an all ON or all OFF option but should be customizable.

REady to take a job at AirBnB and give you ideas which will boost your revenues (along with hosts).

Kind regards 

3 Replies 3

@Phil80 - you make suggestions for changes to the platform in Host Voice

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


jour idea is great, place it in host voice and paste the link here

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Phil80,


Welcome to the Community Center. It is a great idea and it sounds like it would be pretty popular with other hosts here. As @Alice-and-Jeff0 and @Branka-and-Silvia0 mention, it would be great if you could create a Host Voice idea. The most supported ideas by the community are reviewed by the Product Team. 




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