I am gobsmacked by the lack of response, care and aid provided by Airbnb in a situation involving a hosting experience where my house was ransacked and valuable items stolen along with many other items including passports, bank details and tax information. I had to tell my story four times to various representatives that follow a robotic procedure before one of them have followed through and assisted my case. I asked to speak to the supervisor and was told that he could not offer any aid as I had to follow the procedure given. Basically nobody cared. In a situation as distressing as this was that’s all I really needed someone on the other end of the phone to speak to me in my distress and guide me through the aftermath. The police have been invaluable in this instance providing that personal instruction.
Just to set expectations for others that Airbnb is not there for you in such circumstances and you will have to fight your way and be on their case every step of the to get the help and assistance you desperately require in such a time. It has been a highly disappointing experience and an incredible let down in the faith that Airbnb is a helping community. Since my situation I have read articles in the media about similar stories where Airbnb has profusely apologised and made promising hopes of better procedures and practices in such situations from what I can see these are empty words and nothing more than to blanket bad publicity.