I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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As title implies, Airbnb suspended my listing without my approval nor consent, I have obviously raised several complaints but the matter has been escalating for nearly 3 weeks without resolution and been given the run-around , having spoken with 5-6 Airbnb agents including their Trust & Safety Team, over the phone and via secure messaging over the past 3 weeks.
This behaviour from Airbnb is totally disgraceful and unprofessional - especially when there is still an active guest staying at my Airbnb !
Can anyone from Airbnb genuinely assist in a full resolution, before I publish or escalate the above matter outside of Airbnb something I should have done last week whilst my patience is being put to the test ?
Lets take a step back here Dinesh, what is this all about? You are a superhost with reviews that most hosts would die for. I would find it staggering that Airbnb would treat a superhost this way unless there is a reason for it.
Firstly I am assuming you haven't done something dumb like snoozing or de-listing your listing....it has happened in the past! Someone has hit the wrong tab and ended up blaming Airbnb.
Have you declined a few enquiries or reservation requests lately? Airbnb will penalise hosts who decline too many bookings.
Is your listing under investigation as a result of some complaint by a guest, a neighbour, a local government authority?
How have you handled those complaint issues you have had...did you get the consultant on side, or did you leave them with the only option of saying f*ck you!
Dinesh, mate, I have always found throughout my life a soft calm voice has got me a lot further than waving a big verbal stick. You maybe need to start from scratch and tell the first helpdesk person you come across how you are having a stressfull time, the wife can't get out of her wheelchair any more, a neighbours door just pis*ed on that century old persian carpet that has been in your family forever....."How can we sort this out"!....
Dinesh, you will be amazed at what will happen....give it a try!
Hi Dinesh, how did this get resolved? Similar issue is happening to me.
As far as I can remember (having been nearly 2 years!) the whole fiasco was heavily protracted by Airbnb particularly their 'Trust and Safety' team, and without any SLAs provided. Eventually by some stroke of luck my listing was unblocked.
Worth noting that their agent , Piero Mangani (Trust and Safety Team) was very unprofessional, rude and arrogant dealing with the matter, on top of the extreme unreliability in his responses.
Suffice to say I've now left Airbnb , thanks to their shoddy unprofessional behaviour and shenanigans.
Let me know how you get on @Christian ? Best of luck.
@Dinesh4 I'm so sorry to hear about this. It sounds like we have similar situations. I've been waiting in limbo for 3 days for Trust & Safety to explain why my listing has been suspended. A representative from the team called yesterday but provided no information. It's honestly the most unprofessional business activity I've ever experienced, and I've been an Airbnb host (and Superhost) for 8 years. I've started my Homeaway listing and exploring alternative platforms. Sucks because I used to love Airbnb.
Out of curiosity, did Airbnb ever give you an explanation for why you were suspended?
airbnb always act this to the hosts:Trust and Safety Team) was very unprofessional, rude and arrogant dealing with the matter, on top of the extreme unreliability in his responses.
you dont need to do things wrong, airbnb can do whatever they like, suddenly suspend your ac.
when you ask them, no reply or just some rude and bs reply.
I asked airbnb to close my ac. I dont want to deal with such BS company anymore.
Hi Dinesh,
This happened to me yesterday. Airbnb suspended my listing as well without my approval nor consent. I called 4 x, inboxed numerous times and they treat us Superhosts like **bleep**. Calls that falls into the Philippine's and they do not even know how to handle my case.
I spoke to 4 agents, spended tons of money on International Calling from Aruba and not on single person calls back. Apparently a "Daniel" is the one handling this their Trust & Safety Team, and he does not have the guts to call back.
I'm very disappointed that all 5 star account as mine gets and myself as a Superhost gets treated this way by Airbnb. I agree this behavior from Airbnb is totally disgraceful and unprofessional - especially when there is still an active guest staying at my Airbnb and upcoming to arrive!
I'm ready to escalate this. Could anyone help in what was done and how I can handle this best and where to call?
Very sad to hear that. I hope yu can find a solution soon.
I am also a superhost- all 5 star reviews- I had a guest that violated rules to the point the local authorities were called by a neighbor- Now the guest tells airbnb they felt harassed and did not like it- so airbnb suspended my account! Ridiculous at the least. Does anybody know how or to whom within airbnb to escalate this to re-instate my listing? Ironically- airbnb sent someone to my home just 2 weeks ago asking me to become a member of iarbnb plus becasue of my outsanding reviews?? Amazing to be treated in such an unprofessional way!
has anyone got any resolution from Airbnb. I found out that my listing was suspended for a guest that’s coming saying they can’t see their listing. I called Airbnb multiple times the only thing I got is there’s a neighbor complaint with no real explanation I have some details but Airbnb never called me never said a word that they were going to suspend my account. I have multiple gas on the line to come in the next two months. I am unsure how to move forward. They are to call me back but still have not times three days. Agreed this is very unprofessional with no explanation. You cannot talk to anyone on the phone from any of these departments.