Annapolis, MD shutting down AirBnB

Level 2
Annapolis, MD

Annapolis, MD shutting down AirBnB

Hello, all. The legislation we have been dreading is finally here. It is O-26-19 and you can read it in its entirety at the City Council page.


I've attached a link here, I hope it comes through! If you care about AirBnb in Annapolis, read over this legislation and attend the City Council meeting Monday, June 10 at 7pm. The City Hall is located at 160 Duke of Gloucester St, Annapolis, MD 21401. Please please please come! And if you have talking points to suggest, please feel free to post them here! If you want to be added to the mailing list, please email


Susan ** or Megan at **


There are two significant pieces to the legislation. 1) You can only rent for 180 days out of the year, or 2) You must have a liscense (unless you are only renting for Boat Show/Commissioning Week).


Take a look yourself, and let's get organized and protest!!!



**[E-mail address hidden due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]

3 Replies 3
Level 2
Annapolis, MD

Also, I've created this Facebook page, if anyone wants to post there:


Tell *everyone* you know about this legislation! We have *ONE CHANCE* to stop it. 


Go team, go!



Level 2
Annapolis, MD

Hello, all! Let me try again with the Facebook group. We are here:


Join to discuss Airbnb issues in Annapolis! The next City Council meeting is Monday, July 8 at 7pm (location is 160 Duke of Gloucester St, Annapolis, MD 21401). Read the legislation and come and speak on it if you wish!



Level 1
Annapolis, MD

any updates on this? thank you.