Any flexibility in Instant Booking?

Level 1
California, United States

Any flexibility in Instant Booking?

Is there any flexibility at all on how Instant Booking is applied to my listings?  It seems currently like it's simply ON or OFF...period.  But I thought that I had come across a feature a few months back that gave me some flexibility beyond that.  I remember it being something that for a span of time, a particular date range would somehow not be available for instant booking.  Am I just losing my mind?  Was there such a feature that has since been removed?  Does anyone know of any way to apply Instant Booking at all selectively rather than it having to be just ALL ON or ALL OFF?  TIA for any insight anyone can provide!


To AirBnB, if you're listening:  PLEASE make Instant Booking more flexible, and/or make it more obvious how to manage its flexibiity options (in case I've just missed them).  I was excited when I saw your new Rule-sets feature, hoping that one of the available options would be to enable/disable instant booking for just days to which a rule-set had been applied.  Alas, no such luck.  Why are you being so inflexible yourselves in not making Instant Booking a more flexible option?  I expect that a majority of hosts would use this feature if it existed.  I hope you're not holding out on this feature for AirBnB-bottom-line or marketing purposes. PLEASE add per-date-range Instant Booking as an easy and obvious feature of your platform!


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands