Looks like it's all up and running to me Jim.....

You have to rememberJim, from the time you post your listing it can take 72 hours before the listing becomes visible and operational.
I put in dates and your site gave me the option to book.
I wish you every success with your property Jim. I hope your Airbnb career is as good to you as mine has been to me. I would strongly advise a couple of things.....
Regularly visit this Community Centre, there is a lot of useful information to be learned here which will help your hosting immeasurably.
The second thing is to keep an Airbnb contact phone number handy...
for the US the contact numbers are.....+1-855-424-7262 / 1-855-4-AIRBNB (toll-free)
For Spain the contact number is..... +34 91 123 45 67
All the best mate.....Cheers......Rob