Attracting Guests

Level 2
Kandy, Sri Lanka

Attracting Guests

Hello All,


I had a property at air bnb from long time ago but couldn't keep up due to work and everyday life, now that i am a bit more free and have few to support me i have enebled and modified my property at airbnb, but the thing is i get many views but 0 bookings. i did reserched a bit and found out that many book properties with reveiws on airbnb and because i'm almost new and enabled old property i have no reveiws, since very less likely to be booked, i have lowered the price as much as i could do, listed all amenities and services but still no progress, since there are great hosts with very vast expiriance about hosting i would like to have some pointers and insights on what to do, how can i attract guests to my property. my property is kanda holiday bunglow if anyone can see and suggest any changes to my property page it is welcome..


thank you.

12 Replies 12
Level 10
St Leonards, Australia

@Abeyrathne0 I had a quick look - your bed count, number of guests and rooms don't look right. You say there is one double bed in each of 4 rooms - so how can you sleep 12 guests? The pictures of the rooms show some single beds. So you probably want to get the room set up more accurately described. I'm not sure of the value of the photos of some flowers? More photo's of the 4 bathrooms would be better. You also say that wi-fi is available in the public areas - but isn't it a villa solely for use of the guests? I would find this very confusing and would move on to another listing.

Generally it looks very basic - nothing to make it feel cosy. 

Thank you for your feedback really appriciate it, i have adjusted the mistakes you have pointed out. i am a bit unclear on your last line though, what will make you cosy ? would help me a lot if you can mention few... 

@Abeyrathne0 It's always a tricky one! Things like some cushions; pictures (particularaly of the local area); a few objects on some of the cabintes maybe? Generally I would imagine your guests are coming on holiday so won't have more than their clothes. So as long as there is room for them in a wardrobe/chest of drawers, putting some display items around will make it look more inviting/welcoming/cosy/homey.  It just looks so bare at the moment. Maybe check out some other listings for ideas - the Plus listings are good for ideas as they go way over the top on this stuff!!

thank you again gillian. i'll try to add few more accesseries to my property,

Level 10
Coober Pedy, Australia

@Abeyrathne0This place has a similar colour scheme to yours. Maybe a little tweaking like @Gillian19 suggested.


Also, I wouldn't make the bathroom one of the first pictures you see. It might be better if you could make the portable towel racks less prominent in the pictures. If it's not too expensive, I would install proper towel racks.

thank you noel, ya by looking at it i might have a idea.

Level 10
Westcliffe, CO

@Abeyrathne0 From looking at your place, it looks very clean and spacious. I would agree with the others and add some touches to make it feel a bit more comfy. Pictures on the walls, pillows and cushions, rugs, some Sri Lankan folk art, that sort of thing, which would help to tone it down a bit.  


I know you said you have lowered your price as much as you can, but for the first few bookings, if you can, I would go a bit lower, just to get a few reviews under your belt, then you can increase afterwards.  

yes, i have a planned renovation upcoming i'll try to add everyones suggestions as much as i can to it, i'll give the price a try too.

Level 10
Coober Pedy, Australia

I think you need to move picture number 14 closer to the beginning of your pictures. Put the bathroom closer to the end and the bedrooms somewhere in the middle. I would also cut down on your neighbourhood photos.

thank you noel, i have made the changes in my photoes.

Level 10
Coober Pedy, Australia

I wish you the very best of luck. I really like the photos of your common areas (foyer, lounge, etc).

thanks noel,