Level 2
Stockton, CA


I am staying in an AirBnB where the host only drops in on the weekend. So he's not around to deal with the bad houseguests! This couple has been difficult since day one... they eave their laundry in the washer for hours, dirty dishes in the sink and dont empty the dishwasher or drying rack, leave baby bottle warmere and other equiptment on the sink, stomp their feet, the husband even took the remote control from the shaed family room after the first time I watched TV! I have tries to communicate with them as an adult and I have kindly asked them to please deal with their laundry. Unfortunately, they are just big children! Today they took pictures of the sink because there were 3 lemon seeds that I had failed to rinse into the food trap over the drain, my dish drying pad, crockpot, and coffee pot and complained to the host that I had left a mess! Of course they did not send pictures of their mess... I responded to the host that I wasn't aware it was a problem to leave things on the counter as the other housemates were doing the same. The host agreed with me that the counters were shared space.

However, when I saw the husband and calmly and politely le him know that I am available to talk to if they are having a problem with something I am doing he responded with insults. First, he said it wasn't him it was his wife that he doen't care (LIE!) Then, in the next breath he told how it was "nasty" what I left in the sink. I said they were a couple of lemon seeds... He snapped back, "they were nasty and you are nasty if you don't know that" "You shouldn't live with oher people if you don't know how to be clean!" Then he said to his son, "She's mad, she doesn't like it when people talk about her when she's not in the room." He was childish beyond belief! I simply repeated that I was available to talk to if there was a problem and all of these comments were unneccessary. Then I asked him to please empty the dishwasher. He said "I'll get to it.." 

What should I do? The host doesn't live here... 

1 Reply 1

For your own safety, I'd leave. This man sounds like he is intimidating you and trying to make you uncomfortable. He sounds like he has no boundries (or social skills) and that is a trait shared by sociopaths. I'd tell the owner that you feel unsafe with these other people, since he is not on site and you'd like a refund or for him to foot the bill for an hotel until thse people are gone. Call Airbnb and explain your situation, then ask them to help you get a refund. Even if the host is already paid, they can deduct it from his next booking. The host has put you in a precarious position and probably never thought this out as he made his decision to rent to 2 different parties at the same time. Good luck and lock your door.