Breaking House Rules

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Breaking House Rules

So my guests were still sleeping at 12 when they should have checked out at 10am. They didn't leave until 1pm so  I popped over with my husband and there was  cigarette ash all over the  coffee table and the apartment stank of cigarettes and the heating left on full blast. In my house rules it mentions not to smoke and turn the heating off  when checking out at 10am. I've had all the windows open and had to buy air freshner to get rid of the vile smell of smoke in time for my next guests checking in at 3pm with a young baby. Be interested to know what others host do when rules are broken like this.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Como, CO

Having been burned a few times, I now give myslef more time between check out and check in, people can leave their stuff and if the room is ready they can take it early. Seems to work better. If I needed access at 11am I would be banging on the door.


I have not had people smoke, well yet. 


The issue is one more of annoyance than money, all you can really do is hit them with the review system.

Level 10
Spring, TX

Hello Jessica - if you took pictures of the ashes that had to be cleaned up I would go to the Resolution center and charge that guest a cleaning fee for having to air out the rooms and clean up the mess and charge for the cost of their overstay which Airbnb promises to charge double nightly rate.
Level 10
Chicago, IL

I agree with Linda. Charge them an additional cleaning fee in the resolution center. That is so unacceptable. We've had someone smoke in our place once and it is very hard to get the smell out of the place. Good luck.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hi, this conversation has been a while back.

Don't know if you're aware of the Host Voice that's supposed to be monitored by Airbnb for improvement suggestions.

I added one on Airbnb's better handling of smoking issues:


Why don't you give it a thumbs up so it gets more importance with Airbnb.