Quoting from the listing's description: "The flat has a small bathroom/toilet ( which we share)". So the listing is *not* for an entire home, etc. It's a single room *in* a flat. Which, for their own reasons, whether we agree or not (I don't, actually), AirBnB rules out for their business traveler program. And that's their call to make.
Or own listing doesn't qualify (in spite of being a full private apartment with private outside entrance, own bath, own full kitchen, own upstairs porch/deck, etc) because we have a tiny dog in the main house on the same lot. I suppose we could *lie* about that, but we don't and won't. In the meantime, because we're located in our state capital, a major tech center, and a university town, we get a lot of business travelers. None of whom seem to care about their fleeting glimpses of the tiny dog. Woof!