Hi Shelon - I dont need a cleaning service but I noticed you're the only one on this blog in Richmond. Did you hear about the city's regualtion proposals in regards to Airbnb hosts? They are asking for input.
Please take this survey to let the city know what you think of the rules they are wanting to impose on AirBnB hosts in Richmond, VA. They are considering a $300 permit, only allowing to book 180 nights per year, rules on wether or not you reside in the rental, rules on the number of occupants per room, rules on tenants having to ask the owner/operator for permission, parking requirements, ect. Please have your voices heard!
Article here with a link for the survey in the 4th-to-last paragraph:
Here is another link to survey but I'm not sure if this will work:
The survey, available here, can be taken through May 31.