Completed reviews

Level 2
Coomera, Australia

Completed reviews

Once my review for my guest is posted and they have left a review for me, why does it ask me  to leave a public response?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Bend, OR

They do that to give you the last word.  Because you are special.  🙂 


AirBnB Treehouse for Rent



Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands



That's optional. Some hosts leave a response in a social-media kind of way, yet that could easily look somewhat contrived if you have pretty much the same reply to each and every review, as well as cluttering up the review area.

Or I've seen instances in which the host response reflects a more or less warm and enthusiastic response or no response and makes it look like teacher's pet playing. And what about the ones the host didn't respond to? makes me wonder unnecessarily - where they not nice guests? 


The public response is a wonderful tool for ex. if you get a bad review. You can now counter that with a short and professional response in which potential guests can also see what kind of a host you are. Also remember that you have one chance only to write it, no editing or removing possible once written: Here's a good artikel on how to

avoid the pitfalls of bad responses to negative reviews


And remember that if a guest leaves you  a critical comment in "this is only visible to you" part while their general review is good, then don't respond to that publicly.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Andrea9, @Richard-And-Jody0, yes it is difficult. I used to respond to every one, just a thank you for leaving their review because guests really went overboard with the fantastic reviews and I felt the least I could do was to acknowledge them in their huge efforts. Now I feel a little odd about it, and don't always respond which makes me think others will think they were not as good guests, like Andrea said. But when someone writes really lovely stuff I still respond. The worst you can do is sound defensive in case someone complains! It will make memorable reading for all future guests.


Some hosts respond to none at all, which looks cleaner and more streamlined. Other hosts are excellent in writing a short personal and different to every guest response, I have seen some excellent examples which I would point you to if I could remember who they were!

The choice is yours.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

It's just an option if there are any issues you'd like to deal with with the guest. Not that you have to write any.