Create duplicate listings at different price points...

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Create duplicate listings at different price points...

Have been thinking of doing a little ab testing on the platform.


- Based on the fact the Airbnb price slider shows only a limited subset of properties toward the max price end of the range, the obvious answer is to duplicate your listing at say $40 intervals.


- adding benefits such as use of hot tub and kayaks (which we have) could also be a justification to add another price point.


Hotels do similar things, and I assume they are trying to get both the economy customer and the higher end who is less price sensitive. Anyone tried this ? Thoughts ?

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Austin, TX

@Pete28 I have 2 listings for the same space. They do have different pricing, requirements & amenities. There is a little bit of a mind toggle to keep them straight but no reason not to try it

It's the struggle to maximize revenue.


- On one side the incremental cost of having a guest is almost zero since we do the cleaning, so all revenue is profit and the more nights we rent out the more I can depreciate and offset against tax.

- On the other, having a guest pay $70 when another might pay $120 is annoying. You really want to offer both price points and see who bites. 


On on a wider scale, it's worth noting in LV that MGM owns both the shabbiest hotel and the most expensive. They want to capture all of the market 🙂

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Pete28 And btw, I glanced thru your listing. It says beds come with bleeding. 


I think thats probably a typo. 😉

Perhaps they do at Easter time. I will go and take a look and update if they have risen...

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Pete28 I rent two configurations of my Cottage, sometimes three: The ground floor studio; or the studio plus use of the 2nd and 3rd floors, or the entire cottage, which includes a second Master - and only one configuration is ever rented out at one time so guests have exclusive use of the Cottage and all amenities (hot tub, sunroom, etc) - Currently I have put one listing to sleep, using 'extra guest fees' instead when the 2nd Master is needed, and I have two listings that are active. 


This allows me to play around with price points as you are suggesting and see who 'bites'. I have found that the cheaper listing does well for one night stays - And, because I charge a modest cleaning fee (hot tub maintenance and the usual cleaning expenses, although we do all the cleaning ourselves) that one night stay is high profit for me because of the cleaning fee. When I have long stretches open (3 days or more) I block off the cheaper listing with the goal of the larger version of my cottage getting booked (it commands 50 dollars or more per night in the high season). If those days do not get booked two or three weeks in advance, I will then open up the studio version of the cottage and see if it gets snapped up with one or one-plus night stays. 


This method is working well for me, as I have had 100 percent Occupancy every month since opening last May, and most of these bookings are ABB (I get 12 - 15 guests per month, on average).


Hope this helps, and keep us posted on what happens if you try it!

I need to do a few updates to justify a considerably higher price point, but the simplest way for me would be to add a few extra amenities and increase the price. Need a bit of sunshine here for hot tub pictures 🙂


Level 2
Gilbert, AZ

I created a duplicate listing but its not showing up in results....