Customer Service

Level 1
Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Customer Service

Hi. I had a guest who intruded into my room the morning after his first night, waking me up kneeling at my bedside. It took 4 requests for him to leave my room before he did. I asked Air bnb to contact him to remind him of guests conduct to their hosts, and I made arrangements for my boyfriend to come and stay overnight until the guest left for safety reasons. Air bnb did not get back to me about contacting this guest after I reported it to them, so I complained about it. They replied and said they would investigate and get back to me, which they haven't done in over a week now. The guest has been gone for two weeks!

This very same week, I also had a visit from another guest whose booking I did not accept, despite this he turned up at my door to introduce himself - somehow he got hold of my address - it should not have been released as I hadn't accepted his booking. I reported this to Air bnb too, but have heard nothing back. The email thread regarding my complaint has also now disappeared from my inbox, and is not in my deleted box either. The complaint appears to have 'disappeared'! Has anyone else experienced this shabby and underhand service from Air bnb?

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Traverse City, MI

That's terrible and scary!


They can be awfully slow to respond through the complaint/flagging system. With issues that need to be handled urgently, don't hesitate to call or contact through Twitter (much faster response).


In the case of a guest who entered what was clearly your private space, you would have been well within your rights to ask him to leave immediately. (What was he thinking? Did he have any kind of a reason? That's so far outside of any acceptable behavior!)


I really do think that 95% of guests are great people, but that 5% are unpredictable - have you considered a lock for your bedroom door? I don't think I would feel as comfortable hosting if I didn't have a bedroom with a lock.

What was the guest's reason for coming into your room?
Level 1
Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Hi Joe,

He didn't say. He was just leaning on my bed with his arms folded, saying 'Good Morning', which is what woke me up.

I had to ask him to leave 4 times - making it crystal clear that I wanted him to leave my room 'NOW' as it was my private room and I was still in bed. The 3rd time I asked him to leave he replied 'is this for me to wear?' referring to the dressing gown I leave in the guest room for guests to wear, and which he had indeed put on! Not really appropriate behaviour whatever his reason for being there?

Level 1
Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Hi Allison,

I've been doing Air bnb for over 3 years and never had locks on the bedrooms doors, in fact my cat wants to get in and out so I leave the door ajar. Most of my guests do the same with the guest room door, on the basis of trust. This is the first time a guest has intruded into my bedroom.

All of my guests have been trustworthy and the majority are lovely people.

I would have cancelled the rest of the booking but was told by Air bnb after cancelling once before for innapropriate comments by a guest who hadn't arrived yet, that they would not waive the cancellation penalty again in future. I had words with the guest who apologised but didn't seem to think he'd done anything wrong! Because he'd apologised and I made it clear that my room was out of bounds to him under any circumstances, and that my boyfriend would be coming to stay thereafter, we resolved it enough for him to continue his stay for another 5 nights.

I've no idea what he wanted but am guessing that it wasn't to ask me if I wanted a cup of tea! He woke me up, so I've no idea how long he'd been there.

I hope that you gave him a bad review and made it clear that his behavior was way out of bounds in your comments on his stay.



Level 10
Miami, FL

@Tracy36 Be sure to describe this behavior in the review. It's not acceptable. Also flag the user (using the flag icon). Report to Airbnb via Twitter (this usually gets a prompt response). Also flag the other guest who showed up and report.


Level 10
Redmond, WA

Also for the guest that turned up without s confirmed reservation, be sure that none of your photos give enough information that, combined with the area map at the bottom of the listing could let someone find your house. If there was no reservation then he couldn't have gotten your address from Airbnb. Never hurts to be careful!
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I am a bit shocked to be honest at your response to someone appearing at your bedside in the morning.


That was a potentially dangerous situation and for you to then agree that he could stay for anothe 5 nights was really irresponsible. I don't care what AirBnB said, it would be very clear to any normal person that someone coming into your bedroom while you were asleep and then waking you up was weird to say the least, and to be honest getting into very dodgy territory. I think AirBnB would havel sided with you in the end.


I hope you flagged this behaviour in your review of the guest, and in the private feedback to AirBnB.


Consider a simple lock on the inside of your bedroom door in future if you are uncomfortable with any guest you can use it.



Level 2
Washington, DC

I do the same with the door (cat) and this post is making me consider a cat door!