Enquiry from new joined guests with no reviews

Level 3
Alicante, Spain

Enquiry from new joined guests with no reviews

we have some enquiry from newbie airbnb guests  with no reviews and basically just joined. even thou we have ticked the :Recommendation from other hostsThese guests have traveled on Airbnb, are recommended by other hosts, and have no negative.     In Guest requirements options.


We do not like to decline, but could risk a bad guests or lose our response rating. Can we decline without a penalty.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Mary-and-Col0 🙂

When receiving an inquiry the only thing you need to do to keep a 100 % response rate is to reply to the message. Just ignore the accept and decline button and reply as fast as possible to the message 🙂 It is of course different if you get an actual request to book. 

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

@Mary-and-Col0 I do host a lot of newbies and they are usually great guests. Diffenitely not worse than experienced guests. I ask them to verify themselves and ask them a couple of questions. As long as the communication is good I accept newbies 🙂 

@Sandra856I have the same experience. New guests do read the listings more carefully and respond more promptly because they are new.


Some experienced guests like to assume based on their experience instead of reading from listings. All listings are different. Therefore, reading before booking is very important especially for some picky guests. Otherwise, it is the host who actually suffer from the guest's mistakes of those picky guests.

@Alice595 Exactly!! I have the same experience as you 🙂