Extra guests and security deposits

Level 2
Victoria, Canada

Extra guests and security deposits

I have a guest enquiry about having 3 people stay in my studio suite which only has one queen sized bed. The guest is using her mother’s Airbnb account to book. I answered that I would charge an extra $20 for the third person to cover the cost of water and electricity use. She requested that I lower that price.
I am considering asking for $16 per night instead of $20. However, should I request a security deposit as the guest is not using their own account and therefore there are no reviews to determine if they are a good or bad guest? And, how much should I ask for? Thx

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Traverse City, MI

If the Mom (account holder) isn't staying it's considered a third party booking which is against Airbnb's TOS. I'd ask her to book under her own profile.



Adding a deposit won't help because if she creates an issue Airbnb won't collect deposit or cover you under their host guarantee because of the 3rd party rez.


I personally think $20 is fair and the combination of haggling and 3rd party would lead me to decline her altogether.

Thank you for your response @Allison2.

Very helpful.

Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Tracy334, I agree with @Allison2 - they are going to be problematic guests. Firstly, they are using a 3rd party booking which is against the rules. How do you then communicate with them (as you will be communicating with the mother). How do you review them? (as you will be reviewing the mother). Secondly, they are cheapskates - they are trying to squeeze three people into one bed, and they are haggling over the price of the 3rd person. $20 is not unreasonable to ask. If you want to accept them, stick to your guns on the price, but I would decline them personally. Not worth the trouble.

Thanks @Kath9.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Tracy334 I totally agree with what @Kath9 and @Allison2 have already said.  Under no circumstances accept a 3rd party booking and don't feel pressurised into entering negotiations about price.  These sort of people are always going to be a problem, nothing will ever be good enough for them and you will end up with a poor review which you don't deserve.  Do please let us know the outcome.

Level 2
Victoria, Canada

Hi Rachel,

Someone else booked a similar stay and I accepted them instead.

They're from the UK.

I hope that's allowed? Lol

Thanks for your advice.

I really appreciate it.

Lots to learn.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Tracy334 Sounds like problem solved then, what a relief!

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Well done @Tracy334. I’m with the other hosts...


They would have been problematic guests.


Were they minors? Hence no personal account = more problems....

Rule breakers = will continue to break rules

Did mum know they had booked? LOL 😂 

Third party is not covetable by Airbnb or the TOS.


- If it happens again and they don’t rebook under their own profile ( maybe already bad guests)? Contact Airbnb stating this is a third party booking and request them to have the guest cancel.


Level 10
Grafton, VT

@Tracy334, lots of red flags here - third party booking request and asking for a discount. I would deny this one!