Finding a Co-Host

Level 2
Vantaa, Finland

Finding a Co-Host

Hey All,


I'm looking for a co host in a town / country I don't live in myself.


In tutorials, there is a wonderful feature shown where you can search for co-hosts in certain area. However, this page seems to be gone for some reason.


Do you have any tricks how to contact local hosts and ask them if they would be willing to co-work? I don't want to make use prebooking and ask them that way.






4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Mikko11  I hope you are well!


Indeed the function to connect hosts looking for local co-hosts has been closed- the reason seeming to be that Airbnb prefer hosts to use the large management companies they have partnered with and advertise on the "host assist" section of the platform.


Some hosts will put a post on here searching for a co-host (you must be careful, as "advertising" on the CC platform isn't allowed) some use Facebook and other online groups to search as well.


You should have a Local section of the CC, you could see if there are any posts on that section that could be useful from hosts in your area- but I know you operate from another country, so that might be less helpful!


Certainly contacting hosts cold through their listings wouldn't be the best use of your time as you have no idea if any of them would be open to co-hosting.


Best wishes


Paul 🙂



Hey Paul,


Thanks for your comprehensive reply and tips. 


I found out the best way is to switch to guest and then send local hosts messages. I got some answers and probably will go with them.


It's sad that market steers good features to be unavailable.






Level 3
Littleton, CO

Hi Paul,


Where are you looking for property help?


We are a startup called We are always looking to expand to new territories to help hosts out. We have a very high standard of hosting quality and look to extend that to all of our markets. Let me know if you would like to set up a call to review our capabilities.



Director of Real Estate & Development
Realtor ® / Broker Associate

No thanks, I'm looking for direct contact with persons willing to carry the task, not middlemen.