First time AirBNB guests leave my apartment trashed. How would you review?

Level 10
Fredericksburg, VA

First time AirBNB guests leave my apartment trashed. How would you review?

I had a family of 3 stay for the weekend. And they left my apartment a complete mess. 

They used just about every glass and coffee cup I had. Left them scattered around the apartment, dirty of course. 
Left two half-empty bottles of wine; one without a cork. One in the kitchen, one in the bedroom (uncorked)
They obviously cleaned the trash out of their car from their road trip and dumped it on me. They weren't here long enough to generate that much trash just while they were here. They overflowed all the trash cans in the house so just left trash wherever. I provide additional trash bags right next to the trash can. Coffee spills on the counter, food thrown in the sink (I do not have a garbage disposal). Food dropped on the floor and left there. Spilled coffee on the fabric table cloth. 

They did not put the towels or the sheets in the hamper as requested under checkout instructions and the note in the bathroom. They just threw everything on the floor and not in a neat pile. 

They are first time AirBNBers. They left my apartment the way low-lifes would leave the room in a dive motel by the interstate.
 I hate to stereo-type but the first throught that went through my head was "typical self-important BMW owner @$$hole" (yes that is what they drove).  I'm sure they have some poor domestic who follows behind them cleaning up their mess at home.  It felt that disrespectful.

Do I let loose on the review or.... ?


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