Hi Mladen, when you set up your listing profile you would have been prompted to give Airbnb your payment preferences! In other words what account you would like your payments to go too. Airbnb would have sent a small amount of money to that account to show you that all was ready for you to receive payments.
All payments are made to you by Airbnb, not the guest! When the guest books your listing they pay Airbnb immediately and Airbnb hold that money in a trust account for you until 24 hours after the guest arrives. They then release that money to your nominated account and send you an email informing you that the guest's payment has been sent to your account.
You can track the financial details of your hosting by doing the following...
When you log onto your listing page click your photo in the top right corner of the page and from the drop-down box check 'Account Settings'.
In that screen that appears on the left side of the page scroll down to 'Transaction History'!
The first item will say 'Completed transactions' and list payouts that have been made to you.
The second item will say 'Future transactions' and this will list all guests which are booked and have paid Airbnb, and which Airbnb will release to you once the guest has arrived.....
The following screenshot shows you what I have described above......
![Transaction history.png Transaction history.png](https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/14424iC5E8B181C1682AA8/image-size/original?v=1.0&px=-1)
Your transaction history gives you clear advice as to the status of any funds that are owing to you and those that have been paid to you. I hope this helps you Mladen.