Guest changed reservation by a lot, inside Moderate Cancellation

Level 2
Redwood City, CA

Guest changed reservation by a lot, inside Moderate Cancellation

Hello Community,


I am a fairly seasoned host, so I thought, but have never had this.  I changed my Strict cancellation policy a while ago based on Airbnb's recommendation - tho in this situation it doesn't seem to matter.


I have a guest who booked for 3 people for 18 nights starting on  July 30th, who altered the request down to 5 nights last night around 11:30pm - which is within my cancellation window of at least 50%.  To top it off, she booked back on May 16th for an end of July/most of Aug booking.  I have made a lot of my summer plans with my boys around this booking - i.e. going on vacation out of the country at this time because both I knew financially I would be okay and two, since I knew I wouldn't have to hire some one to turn it over all the time.  


I am not sure the best way to handle this, both professionally and personally. I want to be understanding and meet her some where int he middle - but then that really screws me and my family up. 


I have sent her a message asking what happened, cause she didn't say anything when she requested the change.  I am a bit bummed Airbnb even lets this request come through with no protection for me so close to the reservation.


Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Holli2 based on what I know, hosts have the option to decline an alteration request and I do not think that the type of cancellation policy matters in this situation because it is an alteration and not a cancelation. CMIIW.