Guest did not check -in and threat me with a bad review.

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Guest did not check -in and threat me with a bad review.

My guest supposed to arrive at 1 pm but he did not arrive, later on at 3:30 I received a email from Airbnb saying that he was in fron of my house, when he was not, then I tried to contact him trought airbnb msj but he reply in really bad manner, I was waiting for him for more than 6 hours trying to figure out where he was but no answer he was just complaint about me. Also his english phone did not make and receive calls. The last thing that he told me is that he will do everything to make me banned from Airbnb and he will be leaving a really bad review about myself.  I am reallly worried about me, he seems very aggresive and rude, I am afraid he will come here and do something. Can I do something in order to block him? where can  report him? Can I make stop him of leaving a review? Can he make a review eventhough he was not in my house? who can protect the host of people like that?


I will appreciate you help.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Feltham, United Kingdom

Hi Carolina, the airb&b Resolution Centre should be able to help if you're genuinely concerned about someone bad/agressive arriving. Please keep their message in case you need to prove what they said. Here's the link:

Generally you can't stop someone witing a review about you, although they may just talk about it to scare you, and not actually do it. You can't stop somone giving you a bad review, but you can reply - take some time to explain what happened, and post it. You reply will appear next to their review, for future guests to see. Good luck with everything. 

Hello @Carolina23,


Please feel free to contact the local authorities and Airbnb if he has threatened you.

In case he leaves a bad review which is not a true reflection of his experience, please contact Airbnb and they will delete the review.


Take care

Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Carolina, if the guest doesn't check in, he cannot leave a review. If in fact he manages to slip one into the system, even though he never checked in, AirBnB is required to remove it. The upside is that you still have the fee unless he chooses to cancel the booking, and the amount of his refund - if he demands one - will depend on your cancellation policy.