Guests destroyed our inventory !!!!

Level 2
Split, Croatia

Guests destroyed our inventory !!!!

Please can someone  help and advice  me how and to who I have to address the application for a home  destroyed inventory (a large double bed) that has been broken 4 night ago  after Ultra Party in Split ( Croatia ) by our guests?
   The guests admitted that they broke the bed (proof in the photographs) but that it was unlucky and that they  did not do nothing wrong, but at no time did they wonder if they should endure the damage they caused to their behavior...
They talk like it is normal and at no one time the guests did not ask whether they should sustain the damage caused by their behavior !!!!
My problem is what can I do now about this nasty situation because the bed is currently unavailable and new guests are coming.
So please can you give me advice what now I must do and where to report this ? Have any of you have same or similar situation and what you do then ????
Tnx for help - in advance !!!!
15 Replies 15
Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Goran, I can tell you that you are unlucky that this has happened, it is not your fault and somebody should be held responsible......but let's for a minute look at the reality of your situation.

The guest has broken the foot off the bed, the bed is still fully usable, it just doesn't look the nice bed that it did before this guest.

Airbnb are going to skirt around this issue, they will say that beds are subject to wear and tear and Goran, what Airbnb will do is tie you up in emails, information requests, purchase documentation and all this will do is frustrate you and it will compromise your upcoming bookings as you await for some sort of positive action. It is simply not worth it Goran!


If this was me in your situation, I would go to your local bedding shop straight away and purchase a 'valance' that will fit over your mattress. It looks like a mattress skirt! Do this before the next guest arrives and make your bed up without worrying about the base.....put the base away somewhere. You will have time to make repairs to it at your leisure when you don't have incoming guests.


Goran, as hosts we can stand on our principal and shout to the rooftops that Airbnb should take responsibility for their guests.....and maybe they should. But I have had damage done here in my property, and what I did was put my listing amount up by $5 per night and the extra money has gone into a damage account. Goran that account now sits at over $2,500. If someone breaks something major of mine, I do not expect Airbnb or anyone else to cover my back. I just fix up the damage and get on with the business of hosting the next guests.

I am sorry that this has happened to you Goran but what you need to do now is take control of your hosting business......don't wait for others to tie you up in knots! Firstly, a valance will cost you less than $20 and that gets you back to a position where you can offer a quality item for the next guest.


Mate don't let others frustrate you out of your living, take control and put things right.....ok!



Level 10
Torquay, United Kingdom

like the idea of putting aside something for a damage account

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Goran70 I am sorry this happened, it is unfortunate but I fully agree with @Robin4. I don't think you will get enough money to fix it, and in no way you will get enough money for a new bed. I also keep aside a small percentage from every booking for repairs and it is the best decision ever, I don't have to be worried at any time whether I will have enough money to fix something immediately. But if you have decided that you want to try ang get some money, you can request them through the resolution center.

Ana1136  - puno hvala na pomoci i odgovoru u pravu ste totalno.

Meni je veci problem bio sto nisam mogla primit sljedece goste jer su bili bas dan iza "Ultrasa " i nije bilo teorije sredit krevet. I tu sam izgubila prvo ugled i svoju rijec ali i novac tocnije 350 eura od gostiju koji nisu dosli jer sam morala otkazat im smjestaj a s obzirom da sam pet friendly a gosti su bili sa dva velika psa nije bilo teorije da im nadem zamjenski smjestaj u 24 sata gdje ce ih primit sa velikim psima ( a takvi gosti su vjerujte mi najbolji i najuredniji i najcistiji...i jedino sa takvim gostima sam ostala bas prijatelj i takvi se uvijek i vracaju...a opet imam najbolje ocjene za cistocu i uredan apartman bez obzira sta neki misle da ako primas pse imas štalu a ne lijepi apartman ) !

I sad sam izgubila takvog gosta...osramotila se a to nikakav novac ne moze nadomjestit...

Ali takva stavka ne postoji u opcijama za zalbe pa nisam m

...mogla da prvo napisem o tome.

A krevet je namjerno ostavljen restauriran kao stariji jer su gosti bas to najvise i hvalili..spoj starog i novog...

Ali zanima me sta sa sigurnosnim pologom od 6500 kuna koje sam jos prije pune godine stavila u opcije svojih iznajmljivanja.

Cemu sluzi taj polog u slucaju stete koji se jasno vidi na mojoj stranici ? Naravno da ne ocekujem 6500 kn odstete ali me zanima cemu sluzi taj polog na kojeg su gosti pristali kad su rezervirali i platili smjestaj ? Unaprijed puno hvala na odgovoru i lp iz toplog Splita !!!

Level 10
Saskatchewan, Canada

@Goran70 I think it is appropriate that the guest should at least reimburse you for the cost to fix your bed frame or for you to replace it altogether. If the guest has admitted fault to the damage in your message thread airbnb will not have to make the decision of who is at fault. I think you should go out and purchase a new bed frame or hire someone to fix it. Then use your receipt or invoice to request money from the guest. I think you have 60 days to to request the money from the guest. If you don’t hear back from the guest you can choose to involve airbnb. If you just sit back and allow the guest to not take responsibility they will likely do the same again to another host. 

thank you very much for your response and support because you really say like it is.

Because if I behave as if my property is not important or valuable then how can I expect the guests  don t do the same and think it is ok to destroys or breaks my apartment.

But can I ask you this if you know ?!

What does the security deposit I have posted a year ago  is .. , if the guest who rent my apartment agrees on the terms of deposit in case of damage ? 

Tnx in advance and big kissss from sunny Split !


You were unlucky 

I also had a bad experience

the guests  and her 4 daughters left the unit like a war zone  and she had the courage to give  me a bad review 

I was waiting for the guests to write a review in which they write all the best about my place and gave me the best rating and I did the same but wrote what they did to me and after review was publish then I write to them but there is still no response from them and they had 72 hours to answer me but this period will expire soon.

I wrote of course AirBnb all  about it  at the same time I see what they do because they say they are guilty  but that is normal because they have long legs 😠and I did not belive what they say but ok...let s go now on next I  sent pictures and description of the event right away to airbnb now don t know what will be but  I will write to all of you to know it because you help me really and tnx for that !


Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


procedura ti je ovakva:

  1. slikaš štetu
  2. nađeš račun od oštećenog komada ili nađeš isti takav komad namještaja na internetu na web shopu (zato je ikea praktična)
  3. ili pozoveš ovlaštenog servisera / majstora da dođe i da ti predračun ili račun za popravak
  4. prije dolaska novog gosta ili u roku od 14 dana (štogod je prije) to sve uploadaš u "resolution center" to ti je ono gdje ti piše "send or receive money" i tražiš gosta da to plati
  5. ako on odbije ili te ignorira onda nakon 72 sata uključiš Airbnb i onda oni odluče hoće li , koliko i od kuda ti to platiti.

Možda griješim ali mi se čini da taj krevet retro. Ako je stariji od cca 5 godina onda teško da ćeš naplatiti štetu jer će oni to proglasiti već amortiziranim.


Sada možeš napraviti to što je @Robin4  rekao a to je prekriti štetu nekom tkaninom . Na tvom mjestu ja bi kod stolara dala odrezati donju oštećenu polovicu uzglavlja , izbušila nove rupe i pričvrstila opet na krevet. Biti će niže od dosadašnjeg ali još bolje, bit će ti lakše spremit krevet a izgledati će kao da se ništa nije desilo. Kupnja novog nama je uvijek zadnja opcija, uvijek popravljamo dok ide jer eto, nisu svi gosti pažljivi i odgovorni. Pogotovo za vrijeme festivala mogu si mislit cirkusa!




Good point Branka, I had not looked at the age of the bed frame but now you have mentioned it, it does look retro! Not wishing to be unkind to @Goran70's furniture choices, eclectic style is great, but Airbnb will certainly see it as a bed that has probably a highly depreciated value, and their offer may be an insult to Goran .



Najprije od srca hvala na odgovoru i pomoci ali Vam sta je meni bio najgori problem kojeg nikakav novac ne moze platit...a taman sam pisala o tome ali da napisem jos jednom. Znaci ovako ;

Meni je veci problem bio sto nisam mogla primit sljedece goste jer su bili bas dan iza "Ultrasa " i nije bilo teorije sredit krevet. I tu sam izgubila prvo ugled i svoju rijec ali i novac tocnije 350 eura od gostiju koji nisu dosli jer sam morala otkazat im smjestaj a s obzirom da sam pet friendly a gosti su bili sa dva velika psa nije bilo teorije da im nadem zamjenski smjestaj u 24 sata gdje ce ih primit sa velikim psima ( a takvi gosti su vjerujte mi najbolji i najuredniji i najcistiji...i jedino sa takvim gostima sam ostala bas prijatelj i takvi se uvijek i vracaju...a opet imam najbolje ocjene za cistocu i uredan apartman bez obzira sta neki misle da ako primas pse imas štalu a ne lijepi apartman ) !

I sad sam izgubila takvog gosta...osramotila se a to nikakav novac ne moze nadomjestit...

Ali takva stavka ne postoji u opcijama za zalbe pa nisam mogla stavit pod broj 1 sto razbijeni krevet povlaci za sobom i koliko mi je to stete nanjelo !!!!

A da krevet je retro..restauriran i naplacen dobro za to prije godinu dana jer su gosti bas govorili kako im se svida spoj starog i novog inace bi krevet kao i ormar bio novi kupljen...ali namjerno je tako ostavljeno !!!

Ali neka je i retro itd...opet zovi majstora usred sezone u Splitu..najprije necete ga naci a ako i dode neki amater naplatit ce tako skupo da je isplatljivije kupit novi krevet...

Ma sve mi je jasno..da je ovo borba sa vjetrenjacama ali ako mi kao vlasnici ne cijenimo i ne drzimo do svoga kako da onda ocekujemo to isto od gostiju...jer bilo bi presramotno da pustim unistavanje apartmana zato sto je grupa momaka odlucila nastavit Ultra Party u krevetu za dvoje..."greskom " strpalo ih se 4-ro i par cura..... 😂 !!!

A eto....bice sta bude al morala sam nap.ovo tj.prijavit jer su se gosti ponasali kao krivi smo ali sta ima veze !!!!

A Vama jos jednom punoooo hvala na savjetima i pomoci. Lp !


Puno hvala na pomoci i odgovoru.

Evo jucer su gosti posl.poruku da jesu krivi ali da smo im rekli da nema veze...tako da ne znam tko je vise lud 😂 ovdje ali oni imaju depozit za stetu od 6500kn na koji su pristali kada su iznajmili apartman pa me zanima cemu uopce sluzi taj sigurnosni polog za ( nasu zastitu od gostiju ako nam nesto uniste ) slucaj stete ako se ni sa njim ne mozes naplatit ??? Naravno da ne trazim 6500kn da mi plate vec razumnu cijenu dogovorno da bude ok i prema njima i prema meni...

Hvala Vam puno na savjetu i pomoci a ako mi mozete Vi ili itko pojasnit ovo oko sigurnosnog pologa bila bi prezahvalna.

Level 2
Split, Croatia

Please can you tell me

what is procedure if I have security deposit that is in the description of the accommodation and to which the guest agreed when he rented my apartment ?!?

Tnx in advance !