Guests secretly blocked by Airbnb?

Level 2
Asheville, NC

Guests secretly blocked by Airbnb?

I am set up for auto-booking. Every once in a while a get a request to book. This made no sense to me so I called in and it turns out hosts who request to book are actually blocked from auto-booking for a variety of reasons. I don't know if Airbnb hides that information on purpose or by accident but it seems quite odd not to inform the host. 


Why they have been blocked from auto-booking is also not disclosed to the host. If I had to guess, and I do, it would be from lack of a photo ID or some other issue with their profile. Both of these pieces of information are vitally important to hosts and yet are not disclosed by Airbnb. I suppose the concern is that they would get less booking fees if hosts knew that these guests were blocked.


When I called in I was originally told the reason I was getting inquiries was because the guest had clicked contact host rather than instant book. I knew that wasn't true b.c. my calendar was hiding my rates for the dates they inquired about. Whenever Airbnb hides my rates from me I know there's a booking inquiry and not just a message. 


My original concern was that the request to book was somehow an offer or request to host for a lower rate. The wording on the payout hints at this as well.  I just have to be certain. It is not possible under any scenario for a guest to "make an offer" for a lower nightly rate correct? I don't have any way of knowing because my rates are not visible once the inquiry is submitted. 

26 Replies 26
Level 10
Orono, ME

If a host does not have a government ID attached to their profile and they go to book a place with a host who requires a government ID based on their instant booking requirements then the instant booking will come through as a "request to book." 

Level 9
Hednesford, United Kingdom

I think this happens when a previous host has said “No” to the question ‘Would you recommend this guest?’ In the review process. I’m not 100% though

@Matt682 That's what *should* happen, I don't think many hosts lightly give a thumbs down.  But it's not what happens at all!  Guest probably has to accumulate 10 thumbs down and a huge resolution request before anything is gone against him.


Level 10
Chicago, IL

i think some guests are blocked from being able to use instant book. So this scenario is possible. @Eilis2 in your case it sounds like you do not have instant book

Level 2
Asheville, NC

Thanks for all the replies. I was sloppy with my terms, inquiry and request to book so thanks for the clarifications on that. I'm glad to confirm guests can't put in offers on stays. 


I'm saying guests are secretly blocked from auto-booking b.c. abb doesn't disclose to the host why a potential guest is sending a request to book rather than just booking. You can see that in this thread as people try to guess what it might be, bad ratings, because they chose to, a lack of ID, something else?


I do know my guest requirements and a photo ID is definitely required. That setting doesn't really help me b.c. when a guest is requesting to book I have no idea why. When I called in, abb wouldn't/couldn't disclose it to me. Perhaps the guest knows based on a message they got when trying to complete an auto-book? I have resorted to asking guests before but they rarely have any idea. 


I say my rates are hidden because they are, so are yours. All you can see after someone books or even requests to book is the payout which is not the same thing. Different nights of the week might have different rates and there might be fees added (cleaning fee, extra guest fee) but all of that is hidden including your nightly rate. The payout is an amalgamation of those things all rolled into one and divided by the number of nights. Once someone requests to book your nightly rates for those dates are lost unless you decline the booking. The same thing goes for an actual booking. The nightly rates are immediately removed from the calendar and the only thing visible is the mystery payout. I can figure out the fees by determining the number of guests, etc. but I can't ever learn what the nightly rate was when they booked. 



Level 6
Los Angeles, CA

If a guests previous bad reviews then they are blocked from instant booking. This was a new update to the platform. In the old days guests who had bad reviews could keep instant booking and we couldnt do anything about it now they have changed it.

Consider yourself lucky!

@Kevin1056 wrote:

If a guests previous bad reviews then they are blocked from instant booking.

As Emily clarified for me above, a BAD REVIEW IS A ONE STAR!!! Not a bad comment or even a 2 star!

Most hosts lie in their reviews out of fear of retaliation! (jusitifable in some situations).

Don't think you are protected in any way by only accepting a guest with "no bad reviews".

Level 2
Asheville, NC

So I understand that guests who don't have a photo ID will be blocked from instant booking, thank you Emilia for clarifiying that. It also sounds like a guest with bad reviews would be blocked.


The question is, how do I know why they were blocked or even if they were blocked? I've resorted to calling in every single time I get a request to book and making them look into it. I have to sit through a long explanation on my own settings and how it all works every time but eventually, they tell me why they were blocked or they just guess, I'm never really sure.


I suppose if they have bad reviews I could deduce that's the reason but it's still unclear. Ensuring that hosts are real people, are who they say they are, and have a history of good rentals seems like the most crucial information Airbnb should be offering hosts and yet here we are. 

Level 10
West Jefferson, NC

This is my first post and could not find the right topic but this is close...AirBnB has blocked a new guest telling them there is a non-covid saftey issue and that they should book a hotel or room instead of a whole house for "their saftey"  the new member was verified but still not allowed to book even after our messaging and my approval.  After a long wait and confusing conversation my concern was that it looked like I had a saftey issue with my rental however they told me it was a new guest and it was for my saftey because they were a new member and had not been verified by airbnb?  I could not override the system feeling good about the guest and lost a booking this way.  The messages they gave the guest were confusing as well as my own confusion and concern that someone had deemed my rental a saftey issue, they should be up front and tell the guest it is airbnb that has yet to decide if they are a "good" guest or not?  has anyone had this issue?  thanks!

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Kelly568 - MANY hosts have reported the same thing over the last 2-3 months.... 


- I posted this, then noticed your situation was said to be NOT Covid related.... But the info in the link may still be relevant...

Thanks Helen, I have not figured out an easy way to actually speak to anyone that wants to do something about this.  They did mention they had a fear that people would use a "whole house" for possibly a party so it was for the host safety however there does seem to be a lot more to it when they can override my acceptance without clear facts about the guest and making it look like the host may have a safety issue.  Airbnb is not be transparent with either of us.

Imo, just because a host made IB available doesn't mean guest-users HAVE TO use it.


I started out as a guest user before becoming a host, and whenever I use Airbnb as a guest, I always prefer to inquire first...... to check and make sure the way I understood what the listing provides is accurate before putting money down for a confirmed booking. 


And my understanding is also that some users with bad ratings or have not verified ID are not allowed to IB at all.