Guests won't take advice

Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

Guests won't take advice

Hi, I live in a really remote cottage in Scotland (really, really remote ... there's no road and we're the only building for 6 miles in any direction). I strongly suggest that guests come by boat but it is, just, possible to walk/cycle the six miles in. I've got a reservation from a couple who are intending to walk the six miles into our cottage in the dark. I have accepted the reservation but stressed that walking in the dark over unknown and unmarked Scottish moorland with aggresive and unpredictable wild animals (it's rutting season for the numerous red deer) and no mobile phone reception is a very bad idea. I have pointed out that there is an alternative route (getting a bus to the village across the water and hiring a boat from there). If the guests continue with their plan to walk in the dark they will be putting themselves in danger and leaving me responsible for finding them if they don't turn up. Any ideas for how I can dissuade them?


22 Replies 22
Level 10
Northland, New Zealand


WoW what a beautiful place. They may well be experienced trampers and coming with head lamps and good boots. They may also have sat nav on their phones but still... Is there anyway you can get them to sign a disclaimer that you are not responsible if search and rescue teams are heli to the hospital should an ankle/leg be broken. 

Good luck! 

Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

Thanks for checking the details of my cottage. After chatting to my neighbours I decided that further dire warnings were unlikely to have any effect and I've sent them a message saying that they will have to arrange check-in before sunset or I will cancel the reservation.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Sally68  How worried are you?  If you believe that there is serious danger for these guests, tell them they must arrive during daylight hours or by your suggested method.  If they refuse, tell them you will cancel the reservation.  Now, if you don't feel that strongly, the disclaimer is a good idea.


PS:  I had to look up "croft house" 😄

Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

@Linda108 The risk that they get lost is very small (there's only one track) but the risk they get delayed is very high (blisters, twisted ankle, belowing deer blocking the path). If they do get lost the chance of serious injury is very high.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

You are a host, not the police, search & rescue,  social worker, or psychiatrist. Kind of you to worry, but I am assuming they are adults, not children. Six miles is not an insurmountable trek, though at night seems quite odd. .You already expressed your view on the impracticality of their plan. most you can do. Maybe they are into 'death marches', God only knows. 🙂

Level 10
Hervey Bay, Australia



Maybe they don't understand that they are looking at a 2 hour trek.  Despite trying to dissuade them, one hour in, they will likely be blaming you for not talking them out of this foolhardy idea.  Most guests wouldn't even want to walk one hour with luggage on a proper street in daylight so this idea of theirs is absolute nonsense.


Do you have a car?  This would be about a 20 minute round trip for you and would certainly give peace of mind if you could pick them up.  


Maybe if you give them the price and schedule for the buses and the water taxi it would help.  


Follow this with a statement that for their own safety, you will be compelled to contact AirBnB to cancel if they don't heed your advice as you feel it would be irresponsible for you to allow them to wander in hostile territory in the dark with no mobile reception for a 2 hour trek or longer if they have heavy packs.


They take a boat or they walk / cycle during daylight hours - period.  Put this in your House Rules to avoid similar situations in the future.





Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

The 6 mile track to my cottage is not accessible by car. It's a 45 minute trip (there are lots of gates ... and rocks ... and animals) in a 4wd vehicle. I've given the guests details for two options that would get them here before sunset. I've sent them a note saying they have to arrange to get here by 6pm or I will cancel the reservation.

Thanks for your help,


Level 4
London, United Kingdom

If you have already stressed that the walk will be dangerous, and have suggested other alternatives to getting to you and they are still adamant they will walk it, then I think you have done all you can. You have passed on the relevant information with regards to getting to your place, you are not responsible for them until they arrive at your house! 


I understand your concern, I would probably feel the same, but people are always going to try and cut corners or do things their way (remember most people think they know better!)


Maybe just send them some prices for the boat hire and suggest it will be a quicker, more pleasant journey for them and will provide you with peace of mind knowing that they are not lost in the dark?  

Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

I've already provided information about arriving by boat but I think they're wedded to 'adventure'.

Thanks, Sally

@Sally68, that is frustrating, some folks are more 'reality challenged' than others...


You *do* say in your description that access is by boat only, even though this isn't technically in your house rules you could try reaching out to AirBnB if you feel cancelling/re-housing these guests is better than worrying about their unadvised trekking plans 🙂


One thought for the future, you could narrow your check-in window to *not* extend past dark, then in house rules say something like "Due to our remote location we restrict check-in to daylight hours for the safety of our guests and peace of mind of the host!  Exceptions may be possible if arranged at least 2 weeks in advance and after host review and approval."


Or leave check-in window as is but "...we restrict check-in for those hiking in to daylight hours"

or "during Sep, Oct & Nov (deer rutting season) we restrict check-in for those hiking in to daylight hours"


You get the idea! At least that way if you wish, in a future similar situation, you could contact AirBnB with your concerns about guests not following house rules and perhaps AirBnB could re-house them, cancel them, etc.


note - I have no idea when deer rutting season actually is, that was just an example 😉

I've got in touch with Airbnb and they've agreed that I can cancel due to safety concerns. I'm constantly editing my profile and I'm going to have a go at spelling out the difficulty of trekking in even more ... as well as adjusting the check-in window.



@Sally68  You are a true great host!  I admire that you have stood your ground by insisting on the guest safety.  I am happy to find that Air BNB will back you up.  I think some guests are truly naive about conditions that are real and not just an "adventure".


I live in a desert community in Southern California, USA, near Palm Springs.  Temperatures over 100 up to 125 degrees F are common most months out of the year and our humidity is often less than 10 percent.  Sadly almost every year a visitor dies on one of our many hiking trails of heat exhaustion.  They are not prepared for how quickly it heats up here and how staying hydrated is a real necessity.  I always warn my guests and supply them with plenty of water.


Again, good for you.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

This thread reminded me of something I started some time ago: I have one bullet point on 'How to Get Here", with 4 alternative ways, with manner, cost and time it takes. I constantly have to copy and paste it for inquiries and even bookings. Example >

#20- Getting to Placencia from Belize City:
By Air: (Maya or Tropic Air) $235 USD round trip per person / 40 minute flight. Fastest way.
By Car: Rental Car; roughly 3.5 hour drive. Cost could range between $65 - $95 USD a day.
By Taxi: About $150 USD each way, up to 4 people.
By Shuttle: About $75 USD each way per person; runs once a day. Nice, relaxing scenic drive, but long.


In your case @Sally68 add walking. 😉

Level 10
Crewkerne, United Kingdom


Just to put a slightly different point of view, I would be very disappointed if I knew there was a 6m walk to the house and having decided I could do this with appropriate clothing and kit, the host cancelled my visit.

I appreciate you are concerned about the safety of your guest, but if you are going to insist that they arrive only in the manner you allow, you have to make this a condition of the booking.

I see that some guests came by canoe - you can't be responsible for everybody!