How to change sequence of photos faster and more easily

Level 2

How to change sequence of photos faster and more easily

I always have problem with photos.

I like to  change the decoration of my house according to the season. So I need to change photos of my listing frequently. I have my own favourite photo sequence starting from living room and ending with outside view. 

The decoration of bedroom (and sometimes living room also) is being changed often, thus, I dont change decoration of bathroom, kitchen and outside view. 

Everytime when I update new photos, they will appear at the end of all photos. I find that I cannot move many photos at once. So I have to move my new photos one by one from bottom to the top. It really takes a lot of time.

And It happened once that my photo sequence is changed automatically. I spent a lot of time to put them back.

I wonder there is a way I can change the sequence of photos faster and easier.

I will really really help me a lot.


Thank you.





3 Replies 3
Level 10
Union City, NJ

What an interesting question Lena.  Good for you for being so thorough in changing out pictures to suit the season.


I'm not sure that there is any trick to easily and quickly re-setting photos in a particular order.  I know that another site assigns each photo a numerical value, but that wouldn't work here.    I'll go look at your listing to see how many photos you have but honestly I think anything past 20 photos is too much.  almost as bad as not having enough photos.


Is it less manageable based on the volume of images that you have?


Hi Maria 🙂 


I have the same problem with regards to moving photos in order of sequence. Same problem to simply feature the main cover photo.  I have both options to work from either computer or from my Apple iPad.  


I appreciate if I could get some help in this. Thank- you 🙂 




Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Lena and @Milu, I'm working on a computer (iMac), and recently found that all I needed to do was left-click on the photo and drag it to the position I wanted. A space opens up, and you simply 'drop' it in. It certainly saves a lot of time. 


The method might be different if you're working on a tablet or a cell phone.


* Lena, I've just realised you appear to be referring to moving a block of photos at once. I'm afraid I can't help you there.