How to keep my calendar dates as available when I haven't declined/approved a guest yet?

Level 2
Stockholm, Sweden

How to keep my calendar dates as available when I haven't declined/approved a guest yet?

Sometimes I have long discussions with potential guests before approving (asking them to have their ID approved, etc), that I would like to not have those dates blocked before declining/approving so other guests can do requests also. Especially when those blocked dates are really close to the real date.


Is there any way to change that in the system to allow several requests for the same date?

1 Reply 1

@Aurélien4  Short answer: no, you can't.


If you want to unlock the dates that have been selected in a Request, and you haven't made a decision about the guest, the only thing you can do is decline the request. You'll still have the opportunity to send them a Special Offer or let them re-submit a Request if you're satisfied with the correspondence later on.


Bear in mind, this adds a lot of hassle and confusion to the booking process for the guest. If you find yourself having to engage in such lengthy discussions before making a decision, it's worth pinning down what exactly your requirements are in order to feel comfortable with a booking, so you can get them all into your initial message.