Is this normal in Airbnb?

Level 2
Cincinnati, OH

Is this normal in Airbnb?

This happened in OH, I planned to meet my friend in Cincinnati, so I stayed in Columbus for 1 night.


After I booked the room. Host keep asking me to read the rule, which is very long. He asked me several questions, such as ETA and the reason to come.

However, I did not reply very soon. She blamed me for that.


After arriving at the house, I cannot find the key. 


However, I saw her brother in the backyard so I asked him. She blamed me for not asking her through apps while she is not home till 11:00 pm.


After she arrived at the house, She told me that I should not park in the driveway and told me to move the car. She blamed me it's all in the rule.


While I preparing to move the car to the road, she started to have a short conversation "blame me"

Said: She was frustrated and disappointed at me.............. I should live in a hotel than Airbnb. ((((((at 11:30 pm)))))



Is this normal, that some host humiliated you at midnight? I tried to be a kind person. But in the end, no this is unacceptable. And text harassment is another annoying thing, she texted me after 11:30 to blame more, then said goodnight.


Is this normal, or I just met a  weird host?


--------------Below is the review to the host and support center------------------


To be honest and telling a true story from my heart, I get:

  1. Text harassment from the moment I book to the moment like 11:30 p.m.
  2. A lot of rudeness and offensive emotions with anxious symptom
  3. A dog that will bark me up at 5 a.m.
  4. Humiliation at midnight or all the time
  5. 13 pages screenshot long rules with emotional words and redundancy


I tried my best to be kind and respectful, and this woman keeps dumping sXXt on me last night. Even in the last minutes after I check-out, she put suspicion on me due to a red onion disappearing.


[ The rule she made was beyond the human limited and my tolerance. The rule has too many emotional words and redundancy, which is hard to read. ]


In my country, if someone like her, treat people like that, the business will disappear just in a second.


This woman has over 100 reviews, but it only shows 11 reviews. 90% of her comments disappeared. It means 90% of customers disappointed the experience. She lied to me no one has the issue like me and yelled to me at 11:30 pm.


I can't sleep well because I was pissed off till 4 am, and the dog barked me at 5 am.



She said in midnight 11:30:" I should not use Airbnb and suggest me to go to a hotel".

Well, I swear to god if I have a right or access to kick her off of this market, I will.

I will use all my resource to report this host.


I deserve an apology, but I got humiliated till the last minutes. She should fix her writing skill before running a business.

I always have a good time in Airbnb until this woman came out.


Best regard,

I hope one day she gets deactivated.

I have confidence that I am not the first one and the last one to report her.

62 Replies 62



You have a lot of great experience with abb -  four reviews, and two of them complain that you don't follow the rules.


I didn't finish high school but it seems to me that you don't follow rules 50 per cent of the time, 100 percent of the time.


I wonder, what did become of the red onion?

90 % bad (Host) v.s 50 % bad (Me)


Seems good to me.


Simple math.


Well, maybe this is the reason why you are sitting here and chatting with me.


The rule said I can't use the kitchen. So I followed the rule and didn't walk in the kitchen. What she said is that I stole her red onion, which is the weirdest accusation.



This is my fault, I apologize. I saw it on the news and websites. It seems like what I saying "Airbnb delete bad reviews" is wrong.

But, there are only 12 reviews if guests want to browse the review on site. 90 % review missing. And other hosts don't have this kind of issue.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@岱勳0 You KEEP getting the number of reviews wrong! Sure, there were only 12 for the room you stayed in, - but the host has many others for her other rooms; 107 in total - as several people have told you, above. To see ALL reviews, go to the host's PROFILE page, by clicking on her photo on the listing page of the room you stayed in. Then  look at the 107 of her as a host, not the 13 or so of her as a guest.


To avoid disappointment in future, you need to understand the difference between Airbnb and other types of accommodation, especially the simple home stay sort, where you just get a room in the host's own house. 

The rules are never designed to be oppressive, - just to make sure guests are the right 'fit'. To make sure guests understand what makes each house different or unusual... Then the guest has to decide whether they can cope with the details of the house - in this case the dog, the host's allergies, the fact she's out a lot & must arrange a check in time over the messaging service. If you don't like, you don't book!

Airbnb is not really a business... It might be for some hosts, but I've known people who host to meet interesting people, for a cultural exchange, to chat & share lives over coffee. Airbnb once had the slogan 'Live like a local' - Home shares are like staying with a friend or relative, & that requires respect on both sides, & a certain amount of negotiation.

It's always been the case that guests are expected to share who they are & why they are staying. A booking message that says merely 'Hi' or none at all is usually seen as rude by hosts.

Thank you for the explanation, Hellen,


I finally understand the review system.



Level 10
Albany, Australia

@岱勳0, I agree with the other responses here. It is extremely frustrating for hosts when guests do not respond to requests for ETA or read the check in instructions. When you are staying in someone's home, it is just common courtesy to communicate your arrival plans with them and understand the house rules. You say the host has over a 100 reviews but only 9 are showing, which is not the case. The vast majority of her reviews are excellent. It sounds like a hotel is probably a better fit for you in the future.

oh~wow. Don't misleading the people discuss here. 


It is the case. Airbnb will not show the comment if you give under 3 stars. I know the rules, that's why I can make the review showing on the page.


90%, 90 percent of reviews were gone. 


I have two questions for you.

One is why can you see that I have replied to the host after I book?

Another question, how long do you think it is the late reply.

@岱勳0  I'm sorry, but you are simply wrong. The number of stars you leave has nothing to do with a review being removed, I don't know where you got that impression.

To answer your questions- I just read the review the host left for you, saying you ignored multiple requests for your ETA and only let her know at the last minute. We can't see any communication between you and the host, that's private.

And I'm not sure what you mean in the ·#2 question- if it's what constitutes a late reply, not answering a host's message within 24 hours I would consider late. (same for hosts, they should answer guest messages within 24 hours, if not sooner). And if you just booked it a day or two before arrival, then even 24 hours is too late- you need to reply ASAP, or better still, let the host know your arrival time when you make the booking, or as soon as your plans are set. Hosts shouldn't have to keep messaging you about this.


"It is the case. Airbnb will not show the comment if you give under 3 stars. I know the rules, that's why I can make the review showing on the page."


Where did you get this information? Please post a link where Airbnb states this is the case. Because it is not correct and completely wrong. 



This is my fault, I apologize. I saw it on the news and websites. It seems like what I saying is wrong.

But, there are only 12 reviews if guests want to browse the review on site. 90 % review missing.

@岱勳0, they are NOT missing. The other reviews are attached to the hosts two other listings. She has 3 rooms available and each room has a different number of reviews depending on how many reservations. If you add up the number of reviews for each listing you will get 107 total reviews.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@岱勳0 If you want to stay in someone's home using Airbnb, then it is your responsibility to read the rules before arrival.  It is also your responsibility to agree to the host's check in times and provide an ETA.  

You would also have known, as it is stated in the rules/description, that if woken at night the dog barks - that is what dogs do after all - so another problem could have been avoided.   Perhaps you might have even decided not to stay with this host if you had known that, and booked somewhere more suitable for your needs. I do agree that the host's house rules are over long and far too fussy, but you still have to read them and agree to comply with them before booking.  

Thank you for being kind and understanding. 

I always being nice when I live in someone's house and having a good conversation.

I indeed tell the host my ETA, but not soon enough.


I am good with the dog, but all those things happen to me make me frustrating. 


I never scroll down to the review section. And I realize I should do that every time after this experience.

I have read the rules, but unfortunately, I did not get the whole point.


Just like the responses up there did not read all of my articles.


That's another kind of unrespectful. If the logic like that is right.

Level 10
Sydney, Australia

@岱勳0 你好,





房東寫的house rule長並不是你不閱讀的理由,這是雙方的agreement,是賣賣達成的基礎。就像保險公司的policy,長不長?難不難理解?你不讀,出了問題理賠失敗。你和保險公司說:

Don't create a guide which you don't want to read, and force your client to read.



In my country, if someone like her, treat people like that, the business will disappear just in a second.







我後來確實去查了資料也看了他檔案的reviews. 90% . 90% 失蹤的評價不是bad review. 這是我的錯我沒有去查證. 但我確實不懂為何他的評論消失這麼多而其他hosts 卻無此情況.


對我來說, 我確實在發洩情緒, 也舉報給 Airbnb support. 


由於你會中文, 我把詳細情形寫下:


我是在住的前一天中午預訂房間, 晚上六點回復自己為何去那. 因為六點他就傳了第二封訊息過來且著急.

我用的是手機, 而他的訊息量我可以說是至少占滿我手機版面三頁長. . 我的第一反應就是這個人在複製貼上所以我抓了關鍵字去回她



關於ETA, 我在下午4 點到達目的地並告訴她7 點到 7點半  check-in.


在我閒逛的時候, host 的確發了訊息過來, 講述進門的細節,  我看了, I read.

但是訊息缺少關鍵的鑰匙詳細地點, , 因為圖片沒有傳過來, 她自己後來也發現


她爆發的點是我去問了她哥哥, 小姐如果是你附近剛好有個人可以問你會不會去問?


結果她的哥哥很熱心的帶我進到住處, 但是抱怨她的姐姐並責備她姐姐



我沒有想跟他吵架所以我很冷靜地回她避開衝突敘述為何我問她哥哥的原因, 也因此他說我不溝通不尊重



關於不能帶飲料, 我先說我的飲料可不是麥當勞fountain drink, 就是普通的茶而且從下午4點買的快喝完

她care 的點是水會破壞家具, 一個保持常溫的茶會破壞家具, 這不是笑話? 她預備的房間還有備水!!


關於燈光, 他說我開到4點.  不可能我2點就熄燈了


關於不能走廚房門, 我在進門的時候她弟弟直接說走廚房門就可以



我也不知道你來自哪個國家, 或許你覺得房東從頭到尾不禮遇房客是正常的


我也想知道, 連契約都寫不好的人, 回應客人像在寫分手訊息一樣長的人, 脾氣差的人有什麼資格做生意

你也不妨問問自己, 遇到不懂的直接問眼前人是不是錯的?


而這個錯誤是可以導致不斷的訊息騷擾, 情緒性字眼, 無禮的態度, 懷疑我偷東西沒有道歉(洋蔥)