Making unreasonable house rules

Making unreasonable house rules

House rules are often made after check in. For example, if the guest leaves his stuff in common area, you send him an airbnb message about the problem and a new house rule is made. But what if the host send the guest a message to demand them to do something unreasonable. For example, tell them not to make noise in the afternoon? I ask this question because the host can kick guests out if they fail to follow the rules

12 Replies 12
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

The rules need to be made BEFORE the booking, or they will not apply. Until the next guest who booked under the new rules. Of course you can tell guest what is acceptable without making it a rule as such. Noise in the afternoon, is this what you want to stop? What are they doing that is so noisy?

So a guest will still be kicked out if they do something the host claims to be unacceptable, even it is not included in the house rules and is unreasonable, right?


I'm a guest now. I think the host tries to set me up

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Well, what is it that you are doing? House rules are one thing, and yes, they make it possible for a host to evict. Yet, if you were to deal drugs for instance, I would certainly ask you to leave even if it is not in my house rules. We cannot cover everything. I hardly have anything in my rules because guests are just good overall, despite a lack of rules. Sometimes a host will rather refund than keep the guest on, if it becomes inpossible. Noise in the afternoon does not make a big issue unless you operate a jackhammer or practise DJ-ing or something else out of the ordinary. Give us some more details, it might be a case of contacting Airbnb. At the very least, make sure all the conversation between you and the host is on messages through Air so there is a record for them to look at if it escalates.

I guess the host just want the room back for their own use. They are so pathetic that they claim putting a drying rack at the balcony is risky. Because of the wind, the rack may fall down and hit the cars... C'mon, the balcony wall is taller than the drying rack, it is purely B S. I'm in Portugal now, but the host is in Poland. She acts like she knows everything in detail which is ridiculous 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Just take in the rack. If the host doesn't want it there, then follow the host! They might also not like the look of laundry drying on the balcony, lots of reasons. You could of course move elsewhere if you are not getting along with the host, but they can't evict you for drying laundry. Still, it would be nice if you took it in.

I took it in once they told me. But they keep saying I'm a risky guest. Airbnb is not perfect, bad hosts are not rare, I accept it.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

If they ''keep saying'' you are a risky guest, I am assuming they are in contact with you a lot? If it was me I would move out, as the host would make me feel very unwelcome and uncomfortable.

The host and I are in diffrent country. I'm staying with her mum. The host even passed my phone number to a man who they claim to be one of the landlords. The guy called me 4 times in 2 minutes and harassed me on the phone. What can I do if the host gave away my personal information?

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I would contact Airbnb and see if they can cancel the reservation for you, and then you can find somewhere else. Sounds awful.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@W-M-0....Yeah, as @Sandra126 says contact Airbnb straight away and get them to relocate you.

You say you are staying at a listing in Portugal...the phone number for ABB in Portugal is +351 30 880 3888!

It is unfortunate but it is inevitable, there will not only be bad guests....there will also be bad hosts! This host needs to be reminded by ABB that they have certain obligations towards guests if they wish to remain with ABB, and the only way that will happen is if you lodge a complaint and ask to be relocated.

As you have actually stayed there you will have the option of submitting a review and, don't be too emotional about it! Just say " the host placed conditions and demands on me that I found were unacceptable and I asked to be relocated. I would not recommend this host or this listing"  and leave it at that.

You can also click the flag below the hosts profile and this will bring it to the attention of ABB staff for further action.

This is supposed to be a holiday, not a prison sentence...get yourself relocated, but, don't cancel yourself, that will let the host off the hook! Make sure to tell ABB you cannot live in this environment for these reasons and you want to be relocated.


I will not say the Portuguese service representatives are not good. But I talked to 3 of them. They said they would send me emails with all the information I need, but I haven't received any emails from them. normally you got an email from the customer service to confirm that you've talked to them

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I am sorry you are having such problems. Try them via social media on Twitter - this sometimes speeds things up.


Tell them your host is harassing you and making you feel uncomfortable. See if they will cancel the booking and move you somewhere that suits you better.


It's off season in Portugal now so you might be able to find something self contained which suits you better.