@Nadine-And-Lazaro0 "This also worries me: The deluding of facing real issues as what they are. (I see you are "Level 10", but in this case, you're contributing to the problem)."
Perhaps it is a language barrier, because I'm not sure what you mean by this. The levels on these forums have nothing to do with anything except how active hosts or guests are on this forum.
You gave no details in your original post as to what wasn't working for you re messaging, so without details, it's hard for anyone to give you advice. Saying I hadn't experienced problems with messaging wasn't intended to mean that you aren't having a legitimate problem with it and that it's not working for you as it should, so yes, it's fairly rude for you to say I was contributing to the problem- I was trying to understand exactly what the problem was, which you explained in your reply.
I have no idea why messages aren't showing up in your Inbox- it appears there's a glitch on your account and that Airbnb is doing nothing to remedy it.
As far as notifications go- you can't reply to notifications, they are just alerts that there is a new message in your Inbox (which seem to be missing in your case), whether you get the notifications as push notifications, texts, or emails. So clicking on a notification doesn't do anything for anyone, as they can't be replied to, and will always only have the first few words of a message in it. It works like that for everyone. Unfortunately, Airbnb doesn't seem to explain this anywhere, so it's confusing to a lot of people and they think something is broken.
But if the messages you're being notified of aren't to be found in your Inbox, there is for sure some glitch there.