Milwaukee watch your smart pricing tool for Harley Anniversary!

Milwaukee watch your smart pricing tool for Harley Anniversary!

Milwaukee area hosts that use smart pricing tool: have you looked at August lately?  Due to the high demand at the end of the August for HD Anniversary event, the tool was advertising my pricing for the entire month WAY over!  It showed me listed for my max price all month & I had no bookings!  To solve the problem I turned off smart pricing & just set my nightly prices accordingly.  Since changing it last week, I’ve received 2 bookings.  So, please take a look at your pricing calendar ASAP!   Just wanted everyone to be aware:)

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Port Washington, WI

Thanks, Ginny. That's super helpful. I've not found smart pricing to be very accurate in gauging larger events like Harley. I've been setting my own prices, then going into specific dates from time to time, selecting them, then turning on smart pricing to see what it recommends. I can then choose to adjust my prices accordingly.