
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Newsletter from Airbnb - not what I had expected and hoped for....

Level 10
Prescott, AZ

Newsletter from Airbnb - not what I had expected and hoped for....

Remember when a while ago I posted a suggestion for better communication between Airbnb and hosts in the host voice forum, namely to send out a monthly newsletter  - no fluff ! - with what's new and what we should know about?

Well, Airbnb makes this whole process of what they would consider into an ordeal: first you have to get enough votes to be moved up to "popular", then it possibly moves up to "considered",  and ultimately if you are the chosen one it goes to  "launched".  So, being informed my idea was launched,  I think, hey we got somewhere....!!

Going back to the post,  at the very end of the thread an Airbnb official informs me/us that what I had requested - regular, no nonsense, factual info from Airbnb  in a newsletter - has actually already happend, as in the Host  Newsletter, rather easy to find here :

So, mildly excited now,  I look through this, and immediately the let down follows: it's all the nice-nice stuff I /we can do without - and absolutely  nothing about the changes Airbnb is making in the platform, things we should and would want to know about. No, it's just some more gentle suggestions how to be a better host, etc... Fluff!

Hello Airbnb, this is not what I meant with getting relevant info from you guys !!!

Also makes me wonder why an admin didn't easily and immediately send me/us to the host newsletter, why let it go on and on, with conversations underneath it, in the Host Voice Forum?

Well -  another example of a long run around for nothing, just keeping us/me engaged for no results. What I suggested certainly didn't happen, though they call it "launched".

Very disappointing...

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

How tremendously exciting to be selected, I voted for you! But I read this newsletter too and it was a little bland, wasn't it! You would think nothing had happened at all. Like a magazine, there is room in the newsletter for both fluff and serious stuff. Something for every reader regardless of ability???

@Sandra126 , the point is nothing at all happened, but they acted like it did...that song and dance about being "selected" was just fluff. that newsletter has been in place for a while, so why didn't they immediately say so? and it sure isn't what I am looking for in terms of relevant information. So I'm afraid your suggestion about revamping the ratings system will go the same way...

@Annette33, This is very likely to be the case, should I make it that far up the ladder. I know that nothing happened with the newsletter since I read it too. On the newsworthy side, here is what I just found when I did a search (they do change things a lot, don't they!):

I searched for a property in Halls Gap, to sleep 9. First up (and this is really really important) came all the non-IB listings. Repeat: ONLY non-IB. No IB listed whatsoever. Odd, I thought and clicked off the IB button. Now ONLY the IB showed, with no mixing like it used to be.

I can be your newsletter article if you like, but it will all be guesswork and this one I cannot fathom at all.

In other news, Jennie from accounts got a new swivel chair since her last one broke. Rowena reports that the canteen will add more lactose free options. None of the staff from IT have anything to report.

(all names made up and any similarity with actual staff is purely coincidental)

Level 10
Maroochydore, Australia

@Sandra126 are you just having to much fun again.  I think we should vote for you as the newsletter editor.  We need one each month.  Think of all the scams you could write about.  Have fun all

Level 10
Rhinebeck, NY

My thoughts exactly, @Annette33. I would much prefer to read @Sandra126's version! 🙂



Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The newsletter is serving what in the Netherlands we'd describe it as "baked air".



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey everyone, (@Annette33@Andrea9@Louise47@Jude7 and @Sandra126),


I am really sorry to hear your disappointment here, I don't think it is at all hopeless though. 🙂


In terms of the newsletter, this was only launched in August so it is a very new communication. What you have shown is that you want a host newsletter (and it is great that there is already a resource set up, as to introduce this from scratch may take a little longer), but it may need a little bit of moulding, with key elements you and other hosts would like to hear about. Everything can be improved and it is through feedback that this is possible.


Your Host Voice 'Idea' has received a lot of support and comments from other host here, which has helped it grow and have additional input, it is good to have a discussion around things and it highlights what is important to the community. I think this is a really positive thing and your feedback hasn't gone unnoticed by the team.


As you may have seen we now have the Newsletter board here in the CC. This is where the Host Newsletters are housed, but you can also comment and post in this section. We could start a direct feedback thread in that board, where we can be more specific with the suggestions on what should be included? 


It would be great to hear more thoughts around this. 







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@Lizzie - I think a suggestion board works because, geez, wouldn't it have been a good piece of information to know, let's say IN THE NEWSLETTER, that there was a new Newsletter site here on the CC.  

Let's see, what's a good way we can be informed that there's an option to provide relevent topics to the newsletter.... huh, how about IN THE NEWSLETTER.  

Seriously, I know it's not your doing or probably even your responsibility, but the newsletter that was delivered in October got a big fat 1-star as being not relevent in the survey I was asked to take regarding it's content.  We don't need propaganda, we need real information.

And with the amount of changes that happen and the frequency, it needs to be more than once a month.  

@Lizzie , thanx for hanging in  there with us. Part of the problem is that there  are just a very few people here on these boards, such an incredibly small percentage of Airbnb hosts and guests, that  it simply is not relevant enough to have any impact.

One has to find The Newsletter here in the forums, and yes, then there is the option to sign up to get it delivered per email. so how many people are actually getting it? Less than even post here in the forums, I bet.

It seems obvious to me  and other posters here what the difference is between fluff  and the needed, valuable info by Airbnb I was looking for. 

For starters, Airbnb could/should send out an email to all users, pointed, clear, (not  a long legaleeze treaty) clearly spelling out in 3-4 highlighted points what the actual consequences of cancelling are for hosts, especially now that the sanctions have  become stiffer. Yes, it all was buried somewhere in the communication we got and people should educate themselves about it, but as we know that doesn't happen by itself, people need to be led to it in clear, easy to understand terms. 

next subject: explain why phone numbers to reach Airbnb are hidden/hard to find - do it in such a way that users feel heard and will understand. and hopefully will be led to realize that a lot of stuff is on their shoulders, can't always run to big daddy Airbnb with all sorts of  inconsequential complaints and worries.

next subject: revamp the ratings system and explain it. 

next subject: address IB and the concerns of some hosts that are adamantly opposed to it. 

So before I know it, just based on the ever reoccuring themes here I could come up with  plenty of subjects for a quite a few months...

Thanks again for your concerns , @Lizzie ,




Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Hi @Lizzie, thank you for your contribution and I am sure things will gradually work towards a more informative newsletter. It is a great tool and helpful to us all. I know you have nothing to do with it so please don't see my flippancy as criticism! I very specifically didn't get you a new chair in this newsletter but can do so in the next one if you wish. 🙂

Thank you, @Lizzie, for jumping in and adding to this thread.  I give a thumbs up to every poster who has responded.  Each response was well thought out and clearly communicated, and I agree.


I have been consistently impressed by the voices of those who regularly post on these forums.  The integrity, maturity, depth of knowledge, commitment of Superhosts and anyone coming close to achieving Superhost status needs to be looked at by the Airbnb management. We are the product that Airbnb is selling.  @CarlandDiane0 nailed the list of concerns, wants, and needs of hosts perfectly.  And if @CarlandDiane0 were able to perceive that list from reading forum posts, why hasn't management been interested enough to do the same?


I am a wise business woman and administrator who has lots of experience with business issues.  To anyone with any depth of understanding about business, the lack of respect by the Aribnb administration for our combined wisdom, knowledge, experience, and commitment feels insulting.  This latest newsletter, rather than addressing the frustrations felt by so many hosts, added to that insult.  And the fact that it is buried in a forum, rather than being emailed to us, simply adds injury to that insult.


I am involved with other business marketing platforms that regularly communicate with me changes to their platform, and ways for me to more effectively use their services.  Because after all, since I pay them a fee, just as I pay Airbnb, I am their client/customer.  They know they work for me, and I feel appreciated, and that they understand that there is a need to keep me a happy customer.  I can't say I feel the same about the Airbnb platform.


I'm not looking for hand-holding.  But I am looking for a basic relationship fostered through transparency.  No one should have to find out about changes in policy, changes in fees, changes in searches, changes in marketing by stumbling across this news through a random forum posting by fellow host.  This information should be forthcoming by the Airbnb management team.  The lack of communication and transparency has created an atmosphere of suspicion, anxiety, frustration, anger and fear. The lack of response from Airbnb management translates into a lack of concern for us - their money makers.  Not good.


Airbnb is a great model, which is why I am participating.  I read posts from hosts who are obviously committed to providing excellent experiences for their guests.  I have had the privilege of hosting amazing guests.  Many things about this model are working well, due to the people on the ground who are providing the actual Airbnb experience.  I would be deeply saddened if it were to fail.  But the lack of communication is a bit mindboggling to anyone with any sort of business maturity.


Probably the biggest question I have is, "Why?"  Why this lack of transparency?  Why this lack of interest in addressing the concerns of hosts, so easy to see?  Why this lack of communication? And then - is there any interest in addressing these concerns?


Thanks, @Lizzie, for being brave enough to open a very volatile can of worms.  At least you are making us feel that someone is listening.



Level 10
San Marcos, TX

Newsletters for specific communities are standard stuff. The best of them provide information that's useful and desired by readers. I'm a writer by trade and have written and edited newsletters and magazines for years.


I didn't fill out a survey, but I can easily tell from the comments on this topic what Airbnb hosts want from such a newsletter: News on changes to the platform and policies, updates on issues like local occupancy tax collection, tips on tax planning and expense write-off guidelines for hosts, spotlights on "what to do if" common guest or platform issues know, useful stuff. It should be easy enough for Airbnb to select a volunteer editorial board made up of hosts who can help determine topics and possibly contribute content.


While we're relatively new to Airbnb, it hasn't taken long to pick up on the prevailing sentiment that too often Airbnb hosts -- those providing the product that Airbnb sells -- feel like they're an afterthought. Airbnb's Byzantine Help structure doesn't help. (Unearthing a working support phone number seems to be a cherished rite of passage.) A newsletter offering hosts the red meat content they are looking for would go a long way toward reversing that.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Annette33@Jude7@Sandra126@CarlandDiane0@Alice-and-Jeff0,


Thanks so much for your additional comments, it is really good discussing this. 🙂


Just to provide a little more information around the newsletter, this is sent to all hosts who have agreed to receive email correspondence from Airbnb, so as you can imagine the number of hosts receiving this is pretty high. Also, if you ever hear of anyone who doesn't receive it and would like to, I added a link in another post where you can request to receive it. The 'Newsletters' board here in the CC is on top of the email sent out, so it is another way to view it. Plus, as I mentioned in my last reply it is a place to comment, add additional feedback, or if you like spark up discussion around some of the points included. 


One of the points made was that as we are only a small number of host in the CC, our voice is not heard. For one the Community Center is growing (see some stats here), but this aside it is important that we share out thoughts and it is only through feedback that things can improve and develop, plus it is a great way to spark conversation and encourage others to get onboard too. I want you to know that I feed back a lot of community points to the team, most recently this thread to the Newsletter team, so the voice of the community is being listened to. Features like Host Voice is a sign that Airbnb want to hear from the community, not many online communities have a feature like this and even though it is still in it's early stages I really believe it will develop into a great resource for us here to crowdsource ideas. 



Thanks again,





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