Notification of a guest's review

Level 10
Goldfield, NV

Notification of a guest's review

In the past, when a guest posted a review of my place, I would get an email notification saying, "Read [guest]'s review..." If I clicked on it, I would be prompted to complete my own review before both reviews would be posted and I could read the guest's.


Now, though, I no longer get those emails. In my account settings, I have all email notifications turned on. Has AirBnB stopped sending that particular email notification?


I was surprised recently when I wrote a review of a guest who I thought had not written a review. When I completed mine, it then said, "Both of your reviews are now online." Up until that moment I had thought that guest did not write a review.


Is there a way I can tell if a guest submitted a review before I submit mine?

Thank you for your help.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Bob39 ,

It is mentioned in your dashboard if you are invited to review, also if guest allready wrote a review first

The information is also in the review section of your account.

Direct link:

Hope this helps,


OK thank you for your reply Emeil.


So AirBnB no longer sends out an email when a guest leaves a review?

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Bob39I still get remainders to leave a review an notifictions when my guests leave a review for us.

 OK, thank you for your reply.