Number of guests price is not updating, so guests keep booking as 1 guest when they are more...

Level 3
Boston, MA

Number of guests price is not updating, so guests keep booking as 1 guest when they are more...

2nd time my guests said they try to book as a group yet the app only let them book for 1 person. My max number of guests is 4 per apartment. Is this happening to other people? 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Daniel1127,


You don't say whether the guests are using the Android or iOS app.


On the Android app I tried to book your listings for 1 guest for the 23rd to the 24th of May and it showed the number of guests as 1 when I tapped the "Book" button. I can then tap the "Guests" area of the screen and select 2 guests. The price then goes up by your extra person amount. It's not possible to tap to add more than 4 guests as that's your maximum for each listing.


I presume that Apple's iOS app has the same function.


If the group size the guests try to book is more than 4 then that's why they can't do it. If it's just 2 or three then they can do it and if they say they can't then just send them a request, by clicking "Send or request money" link on their reservation. You can insist that they accept that before you let them in.


If I were being cynical I'd say that they may be trying to avoid the extra person charge.
