@Sante-Livia0 hello, not sure you realize the Community Center here is hosts mostly from all over the world that share hints, tips, suggestions and such - there is a community manager Admin Lizzy that oversees all and sometimes shares our wants, needs and requests on to those working for Airbnb when we need to be heard. So you might find someone that is progam specialist but not alot of Airbnb employees, I'm fairly sure. However, if you search the topic about price suggestions you will see many of us get those suggestions and ignore them....some change prices....there are other factors that also contribute to listing placement and your SEO search engine optimazation - like updating your calendar, your response time, etc. Anyway, I write all that to say we are hosts just like you - we share our experience and what we know. also, there are many with loads of brains, ideas and they generously help many others. Happy hosting, Clara