Pro rata refund of service fee

Pro rata refund of service fee

I had a guest cancel on the day of check in , without checking in, on a flexible cancel policy. She was booked for 2 nights. I was asked to refund the 1 night and the cleaning fee. Which I did. What I find wrong is that I was charged a service fee by AirBnB for the 2 nights not just the one. It’s was only $5 but it’s the principle. This amount should be refunded to the hosts. Anyone agree?

1 Reply 1

Totally hear what you are saying and understand your point. If you agreed to refund outside of normal cancellation policy, then you agreed to having them charge you, imo, @Rob406.  I suppose you could have negotiated to have Airbnb only charge you for one day during that discussion - it would be great if they would compromise in this way when they ask hosts to refund guests.  If the situation ever comes up, this experience will help me in making a choice as to refund or not - because I don't today for exactly this reason.