Problem with Disturbing Guests

Level 1
Seattle, WA

Problem with Disturbing Guests

Hello all,


Our most recent guests were very combative. Not to us, but with each other. The reservation was for an older couple to come and visit their son, who was local. The son was verbally abusive to both parents (our guests) and his child. The male guest was verbally abusive to his wife. They were continually shouting and arguing and swearing and we had to intervene (apartment is in our basement) on at least one occasion. It felt like it was on the verge of violence.


Here's my question: I want to warn off other potential hosts (via review), but also don't want to incur any potential blow-back/retribution from anyone as part of the family is local and they appear to be unhinged. Any advice or similar experience to share?


I appreciate it.



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Redwood City, CA

1. Don't leave a review. 

2. Leave a review saying: "The guests stayed for a week with us in July. " This is kinda an unspoken rule amoung hosts that you weren't happy with this guest but didn't want to share reasons. It alerted us once so we now know what the deal is. However, this language is unlikely to draw any attention from the guests, they won't really know what you meant. 



Thank you for the tip. That's great advice. I like the idea of leaving the innocuously worded "review."