@Grace220 @Yvonne199
Grace, you are certainly at liberty to offer food and beverages to guests but, where the sticking point will come, in almost all jurisdictions around the world......you can't charge for it!
The moment you put a price on an item of food you will in most instances require a food and beverage licence. You may get away with it for a while but, sooner or later some government authority....be it local, state or federal, will take you to task!
There is a possible way around this though Grace! Prior to a guest booking you can offer a 'hospitality package' for late check-ins and send the guest a 'special offer' to cover your additional 'items', time and effort!
I do something similar and am upfront about it. This is one of my listing photos....

As long as it is seen as part of the rental agreement it will (in most instances) be permissable....the second you start charging a fee for specific food items, it will not!
I hope this is of help to you.
I should add that food handling and selling laws do vary from country to country and the information I have given here is acceptable in my state, it may not be in yours, so it is in your interests to make some enquiries before you embalk on this path!