Published Reviews Not in Chronilogical order

Level 3
Cape Town, South Africa

Published Reviews Not in Chronilogical order

We are Super Hosts in Claremont Cape Town with 2 units on our property - 2 person self catering - "Comfy Cosy Garden Cottage  in Claremont " &  " Modern Get Up & Go Garden Pad in Claremont " for 1 traveller / business person.  in our 1st year we have had 82 excellent reviews which we believe is the life blood of our business where our guests have  literally come from all parts of the world.

Our big concern is that our reviews ( 100% ) participation are now all jumbled up !!! we have developed our skills over the last year and our reviews are much better now than in the beginning, BUT , when potential guests search our website the first review is April '17 then skips to Jan'17,Oct'16,Aug'16, Page 2 is July'16,June'16,April'16,Mar'16 Page 3 April'17,Mar'17,Feb'17,jan'17 .!! Our guests who have written their reviews in their own language - French,Portugues,Spanish,Mandarin,Japanese,Greek  & Dutch are all at the VERY END of our review list which people Do Not Go To Read! This jumbled review format does not show that we have been full all the time ! Nor gives the current seasonal trend - We want our reviews shown in chronological order ie.the last guest to leave is at the number one place on Page 1 of our reviews.

Can anybody help or pass this concern on to the IT dept. of Airbnb as this problen needs urgent attention,

kind regard,

Mike Meyer 


52 Replies 52
Level 1
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I am a host for 2 properties in Edinburgh. I would love to have reviews showing in order, most recent first as, I believe, they used to be.  Guests want current information, not cherry picked by geography.  

also, it is so easy to get the translation right on the site, of another needs to be the priority


Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Recent publicity about criminals advertising non-existant properties through Airbnb, makes it even more important that reviews of real homes, by recent guests, should be displayed first, in chronological order.  
Displaying guests' reviews in chronological order is a simple, easy, safety check for potential guests to show that a property has recently been visited and reviewed by other guests, and that both the property and the host really exist.   

we all agree! please post your comment on Airbnb FB page and KEEP calling to complain abou this issue! Im not sure Airbnb management even reads these omments here... they have been ignoring us for months!


@Kate260 Looking at my own listing's reviews, it looks like this has now been least all reveiws in English (my language selection) are now in chronological order.  

Reviews written in a language different from the user's selected language will still be at the end of the review list.  The reason for this is that Airbnb will display reviews in the user's language first.  For example, if I were to look at a German listing with 50 reviews, the reviews written in English would display first so I wouldn't have to wade through reviews in languages I don't speak in order to get to the ones in my language.  That would be tiresome and irritating!

@Kate260 Oops! I spoke too soon.  It hasn't yet been fixed.  😞

Level 8
Springfield, OR

"Reviews are an important part of the Airbnb community."
is what is said on the website, but i can no longer see my review of a listing, in a chronological order. i am being asked to leave a review....why do that if my review is not going to be seen, because it is on some back page instead of where it needs to be chronologically?


Level 8
Springfield, OR

What are these levels referring to: level 2, or level 1 , or level 10,  that appear under our host name on this conversation page?

Carole, the numbers have to do with how active you are in the community.  I'm not sure exactly how they are determined, but it has to do with numbers of posts, and maybe numbers of thumbs up your posts get.  Maybe someone else can clarify more.


This is off topic (sorry!) but we are other hosts in Portland who would like to communicate with you somehow about a recent negative guest you had that we also had a negative experience with but don't know how to get in touch. I'll try an email: iofnewt66  hotmail com

Would love to chat about her Beth and Robert....she is the big negative review that is not truthful, and is sitting on my page, and won't move, because i have so many guests from other countries, and their reviews are geting pushed back to pages 25 and beyond....lets see if the above works.....

I find that women give more negative reviews than men.  I had a woman guest give me a negative review because I could not give her an earlier check-in time because she made dinner reservations before her check-in time. (not my problem).  Airbnb goes along with the guest and we have no way of dispute. That is so unfair.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,


Thank you for your comments regarding the way reviews are displaying, it is all useful feedback and I have been passing this on to the team. 


I am not sure if you are aware, but a recent Host Voice idea on this very topic was recently responded to by a member of our Product Team. It provides some more information on the reason why the reviews display in this way, to read these click here and here


Please do continue to share your feedback, it is really important to us.





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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Hi @Lizzie, I haven't been here on the CC for a while now but it seems that things don't changed much: Airbnb STILL makes changes that hurt hosts and completely disregards our complains :-(((

I don't know how they do their "research" but showing age old bad reviews instead of fresh reviews will NEVER make any potential Airbnb costumer book faster. It is completelly misleading and I cannot get my head around how it is better for anybody (host or guest).

If I cannot see a review up front in my own language I will scroll down if I'm that interested in finding reviews other than English. So I really don't see the point of keeping this bad practice and completely ignoring what hosts are saying: it hurts us all!!!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Monika64,


How are you, it is lovely to hear from you. I hope things are going well. 


I completely understand your feelings here and it sad for me to see comments like this as we have an amazing community.


From my own personal point of view, I know how much Airbnb want to hear from their community and how important feedback from hosts is to the development of Airbnb products. I pass on all the feedback shared here in the Community Center, although it might not always appear that it is being listened to it really is. The more indepth and constructive information we share, the easier it is for the team.


More specifically regarding the display of the review, as we all know here, reviews are highly thought of by hosts and they really assist in helping to drive more bookings. As this is the case, at the same time this obviously has a knock on impact to Airbnb (as a company) as well. Decisions like the way the reviews display are not something that are taken lightly and this is based on lots of different factors and research (as explained in the Host Voice idea). Therefore, with the aim to help both hosts and guests at the same time. 


Having said this, I personally believe everything is a learning curve and that feedback is continual especially as time goes on and we experience/understand a feature more, and so I hope you and other hosts will continue to share your thoughts on this and other features on the platform here in the CC. 


Thank you so much, speak to you soon.






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.