Received My First Bad Review

Level 10
Calgary, Canada

Received My First Bad Review

Hi All,


After two months of hosting, and nearly all my guests loving the suite, I've received my first bad review (ironically, the day after giving my first bad review). It was kind of a punch from behind, but I'm chalking it up to a first time Airbnb user expecting Bellagio quality for Motel 6 prices. Anyway, I'm not sure how to respond to their review, as all their complaints were in the private comments. The public review just says:


"We didn't feel comfortable and chose to leave early. The suite is spacious and is close to downtown. Steve doesn't charge much but I would not stay there again". 


I've typed up the following reply, but I'm hesitant to give away the details of his private complaints (one is valid, there's some old smudges on the walls, which I intend to paint in January). On the other hand, "didn't feel comfortable" is very difficult to respond to. Your thoughts are appreciated!


"Hi *****, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your stay. I'm honestly not sure how the house could be any cleaner, as the suite is meticulously cleaned after each guest. It's one of the things I've been complimented on many times. Please keep in mind that house is 50 years old, and as such, improvements and upgrades are constantly being made to help make guests feel more comfortable. This will include a fresh coat of paint early in the new year. As for the smell of cigarettes? I don't know what to say. It's been 30 years since anyone has smoked in this house. My guess is that it was the scalloped potatoes from our Thanksgiving dinner, which briefly boiled over, and smoked up the house for a short period that day."

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hiya @Steve2743,


I think your response is great but I would remove this part: "As for the smell of cigarettes? I don't know what to say. It's been 30 years since anyone has smoked in this house. My guess is that it was the scalloped potatoes from our Thanksgiving dinner, which briefly boiled over, and smoked up the house for a short period that day."




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Level 6
Edgewood, WA

I would wouldn't respond publicly to something mentioned privately. Simply apologize that they didn't feel comfortable staying with you and state that you would love to know if there was a way to make them happy.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

They don't mention cigarette smoke, so if you do you are shooting yourself in the foot. Nor do they mention not clean. But you do! Do not respond to private comments, never works and makes you sound defensive instead of professional. Brief and polite.


Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

Hi @Steve2743 I'm with @Sandra126 , @Lisa40 and @Dave-and-Deb0 - I'd stick to addressing only what is publicly visible in your response.  A short, polite, fact based, non-emotional response is best. I know how hard that is to do when you feel unfairly criticized, but we can't please everyone all the time - there are always going to be some people who aren't happy no matter what you offer or what you do. This review will soon be buried in more great reviews to come. As for the suggestions given in the private message part, you can take from that what you will and dismiss the rest. Your place really looks great - absolutely immaculate!  I think it's just a case of having some rather odd guests, and from Regina no less. 😕 Karen

Level 10
Vancouver, WA

The only thing I would probably respond saying is, "We're so sorry you didn't feel comfortable in our space.  We strive to make sure all our guests have the best experience and shows in our many positive reviews.  We hope your next Airbnb experience is a pleasant one."


Short, sweet, apologetic, and points out to anyone reading you have many other great reviews to back you up.

Level 10
Calgary, Canada

Thanks, everyone. You've definitely confirmed my suspicion that I should avoid publicly commenting on things that were only mentioned in the private review. Cynthia & Chris, I love the wording you used. It addresses the public comments, with being defensive. 
