Refunding a guest who couldn't find the space.

Level 2
Machynlleth, United Kingdom

Refunding a guest who couldn't find the space.

We have two award winning spaces to rent on Airbnb which are situated next to our remote farmhouse in rural Wales.

On our general directions communication it says "Let us know when about you intend to arrive nearer the time so we can make sure someone is here to meet you." We did not hear from our guests with an estimated time of arrival. They turned up at 11.20pm and did not knock on any doors where people were expecting Airbnb guests and were willing to show them around. The guests did not even get out of their car to look for the vintage caravan and now want a full refund for their one night stay that I had already discounted..... I do not think that they deserve a refund as it is hardly our fault they could not find the space (approx 30 meters from park up spot) especially if they did not look for it or ask for help?


Your thoughts please fellow Airbnb hosts....


Thanking you in advance. Alex

4 Replies 4
Level 2
Joshua Tree, CA

Hi Alex.  That sounds odd.  I would not offer a refund.  


Level 2
Machynlleth, United Kingdom

Thank you Katherine,

Your response is appreciated!

I have decided after talking to Airbnb that I shall not offer a refund.

Kind regrads 


Level 10
Boston, MA

@Alex532, Wales!! I did a lot of cycling in Wales back in the day....would love to see your place!  


RE your question, I would not refund them. You asked them to tell you when they were arriving (I hope this was via the Airbnb messaging service!) and they did not do so, so you had no idea when they arrived and were thus unable to meet them. Not your fault!  


However, I would not be surprised if they take out a dispute with Airbnb and Air sides with them - not because they are in the right, but in general they go with the guest (at least here in the US).  You might preemptively offer a partial refund, or you can just wait and see. But they didn't do the minimum to let you know when they were arriving so that you can meet them.


In the future, you might set out lighted signs to guide them to the right place (especially as it gets dark earlier in the fall). I'm about to do this so that they are guided right to the correct door, where I have a key lockbox, so they can let themselves in when they arrive at all hours. 

Level 2
Machynlleth, United Kingdom

Hi Susie,


Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. 


To look at our place look up 'Boatel' and Machynlleth (The nearest town) and I hope the scenery brings back fond memories.


One of our selling points is that we have very little light polution in this part of Wales so extra lighting is not really happening with us, but thanks for the good idea! We have decided not to refund after talking to Airbnb who suggested we may want to give a partial refund but this is my only source of income and unfortunately I cannot afford such luxury.

Thanks again for your time.

All the best

