Removal of email addresses from messaging

Removal of email addresses from messaging

Anyone else find it an issue that with the newest host interface (Feb 2019) that you can no longer cut/paste an email address to communicate with a renter?


I assume most people have multiple email accounts, and perhaps even one just for AirBnB rental communications as we do.  I don't want to use work or personal email accounts for AirBnB transaction/communication messaging.


Now the new functionality FORCES the open of the default email client on my computer,  which is not the account I prefer to use.  Just makes AirBnB harder tro use as a Host, and shows AirBnB doesn't seem to understand how people want to compartmentalize communications.


If others feel the same...speak up.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
New York, NY

@Porcupine-Club-2--LLC0 I think I understand what you mean - you can either message the client within the Airbnb site or app, or you can click "email guest" and your email client opens, right?


I tried it, and yes, that's what happens.  But then I went back and right-clicked on "email guest" and I was able to copy the email address and use it from wherever I wanted to send an email.  Have you tried that?