My renter tells me that there is some kind of "card issue" so that she is now going to try to solve the problem. As yet, airbnb has told me nothig about any problem.
Background: Months ago, airbnb confirmed a renter. I thought that meant that they had collected all funds...and that I would be transfered those funds after the renter took occupancy. Now there's almost exactly two weeks to go before occupancy begins, and the prospective renter tells me that there is some kind of card issue. seems that airbnb may NOT collect all funds at the time of confirmation. Maybe, and this is just speculation on my part, airbnb only collects a deposit. And maybe my prospective renter failed to pay the balance.
What does this mean? Must they pay the balance within some amount of time? If they fail to pay the balance, do I lose everything, including a likely rental as there is such a short amount of time to go?
What is happening here so I better understand the issue?