Service animals

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

Service animals

Hi all,

We are Superhosts and just had an interesting situation and I wanted to see if anyone else has dealt with it.  We had a guest Instant book overnight for a week in July.  He mentioned in his introductory email that they had a service dog.  I called ABB and told them I needed to cancel because animals are not allowed on the premises.  That is not my rule, that is the homeowners association and condo complex rule.  While ABB did cancel the rerservation, they tried to tell me that service dogs are not considered pets nor animals under their discrimination policy.  Thats fine but they don't make ALL the rules.  The complex specifically says "no animals" and it is a $200/day fine if the animal is seen and we have onsidte security that walks the grounds.  I dont want to sound like I am discriminating at all, its just I have to follow the rules and I'd expect ABB would understand that.

24 Replies 24
Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Kenneth-And-Lilia0 hello, if I can suggest on your listing the way you present the no animals could be much better presented.  

You put in ALL CAPS about no smoking and even that wording is alittle odd.

But you follow that in lower case about no animals.


I'd suggest you re think that and re write it.

I would suggest: seperate them for impact - also, I put it on my first photo NO SMOKING PROPERTY


NO SMOKING ON THIS PROPERTY -no smoking anything.....marij....


NO DOGS, NO PETS OF ANY KIND- the condo association will fine us $200 for any animals on premises. Sorry there are NO exceptions.


those are my ideas................good luck, and happy hosting, Clara

something like this

Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Kenneth-And-Lilia0. An HOA is not allowed to discriminate against service animals, but Federal law. If someone bought a condo who needed such assistance, the HOA would have no recourse. [This is not true of emotional support animals.]


An AirBNB short term rental happening at a complex overseen by an HOA is, to my knowledge, not a tested circumstance, but I suspect your potential guest would have been covered by ADA.

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

I guess I'll find out.  I've talked to ABB 3 times today and of course was told three different things.  Apparantly the guy filed a complaint with ABB so now I've been told I need to wait for legal to call me.  If I have recourse against the condo community, then I'm fine with letting them stay.  Hence why I called ABB in the first place.  I just don't want to get stuck with a fine if/when onsite security sees a dog.

Level 10
Wilmington, NC



As @Susan151 mentioned, ADA laws trump HOA laws. It would still probably be a pain to deal with your HOA over this, but federal law would be on your side.


The only way an ABB host can deny a service animal is if they host a room in their primary residence and claim the service animal would present an undue burdern, ie, allergies, another dog on the property that doesn't get along with other animals, or something like that. Federal law would not apply in that circumstance.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


You did the right thing (my opinion)

First of all your guest SAID it is a service animal. Maybe it is, maybe it is not, you don't know and you are not allowed to ask for any proof/medical documentation.

So, imagine the scenario... your guest arrives, onsite security sees him..... your guest leave after a day or two and you get a fine.

Then you say: But it was a service dog!

And HOA says: Prove it

And you say... what?


But,  check your listing, Airbnb started to disable instant book option for hosts who cancel a reservation or a request 😕


I really don't understand those peoople... I mean, I have a dog. He is not emotional or service dog but even if he is, I would never book an apartment from a private host if it is not dog friendly and I travel with him.

@Kenneth-And-Lilia0 @Andy184  @Suzanne302  @Susan151   In your reply to the post @Branka-and-Silvia0 you said " I really don't understand those people"  That is a very hard opinion/description of individuals who require the assistance of a service animal to say "those people". 

I am sure you did not mean any harm by it, however that is the way it came across to me as a reader of your post.



What I meant is I don't understand people who will try to bring a dog to the accommodation against the hosts will just because the law and regulations allow them.


There are pet-friendly accommodations they can choose from.



@Rubén16 wrote:

@Kenneth-And-Lilia0 @Andy184  @Suzanne302  @Susan151   In your reply to the post @Branka-and-Silvia0 you said " I really don't understand those people"  That is a very hard opinion/description of individuals who require the assistance of a service animal to say "those people". 

I am sure you did not mean any harm by it, however that is the way it came across to me as a reader of your post.

I said no such thing @Rubén16 . 



I think @Rubén16  was just addressing Branka & Silva specifically, and only tagged the rest of us in the conversation to let us know. Read his response again with that in mind and maybe you'll see it differently!

@Suzanne302 . Having had that first cup of coffee, I see that you are correct. Thanks!

Level 10
Vermont, United States

Thanks @Suzanne302  ,  that was my intention.

Level 10
Vermont, United States

@Susan151  I tagged you along with others who responded to the post and then I replied to the post.


@Rubén16  Thanks for the clarification. 

Offence is only taken - never given