Some advice for attracting and getting good feedback from business travellers

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

Some advice for attracting and getting good feedback from business travellers

Hi all,


I know this may sound like a rather egocentric post, I mean who am I to have all the answers?  Also, I don't have the exeprience of being a host, however, I do have lots of experience as a guest and I'm a professional consulant in Customer Service for businesses all around Europe.  I also study the psychology of customer care and I do hope my advice is taken in the spirit in which it's offered.  Oh and these comments are general and do not implicate any hosts past or otherwise.


There are one or two things that seem like 'nice to have' but become essential for a business travellers so if you want to attract the Professional crowd here are the tips: 


Get your sink plug checked, it'll save you a LOT of water and if you're on a meter system, a lot of money.  Why?  Well, when us men have a shave in the morning before the big meeting or a conference we need very hot water.  I can't speak on behalf of ladies in their water temperature requirements but men need their pores open and the razor hot.  So, if your sink doesn't fill up when the water reaches it's hottest - we'll just let it keep running and flush your hard earned heating and water bills literally down the drain.  Of course I'm a nice boy and go grab a bowl from the kitchen and fill that up because of the moral implications of wasting water, but not all guests will do that.  Having a mirror at the skink is also essential for a shave.


We'll need to iron a shirt so you'll need an iron AND an ironing board.  The board part is essential or else you'll have guests using your furniture to get their white shirt ready for the big meeting in the morning.  I guess that irons are a pain for hosts and I completely understand that because guests are (i'm sure sometimes) less than careful with them, but they really are needed and they really do need to be in a presentable state.  How horrible is it to take a nice clean white shirt and cover it the gunk from the last guest?  Having your iron presented dirty or sticky is worse than not having one at all but do let us know so that we can bring our own travel iron.


A "power bit".  That's what I call it anyway, it's basically just a place I choose when I first arrive that will become the area where I charge all my equipment.  You can plan for this in advance by making a really obvious place for this to happen, right next to a bank of power outlets or a strip plug.  Remember that some guests (like me) will bring a three way power plug, so make sure there's plenty of space to plug bigger things in.


This one isn't unique to business travellers but I hope it's useful, nevertheless.


Please leave space on the shelf in the bathroom for your guests to put a washbag and some toiletries.  Offering a wide range of soaps and splendid things for your guest to use is lovely, of course and thank you but we'll often have our own things and won't hve anywhere to put them.


It's not much but I do hope this helps.


Oh and a bonus tip.  If someone from Scotland, England, Ireland or Wales  is coming to stay at hour home, have a couple of 'black tea' bags, a kettle and a pint of milk there when they arrive and they're grandkids will be singing songs about you.  We LOVE tea!   😄


35 Replies 35
Level 10
Eureka, CA

@Mark1340and Anne: I have all that and more for you if you ever make it to Eureka, CA! 

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

Will definitely check your availability if I’m in town, thanks.

@Mark1340 ,


Since my listings meet all your requirements (which are few compare to thoses asked by standard guests) you are welcome in (little) Britanny!


And you will find black tea and milk, and also earl grey and daarjeling 😉


Professional guests are my favourites ones! Since they find a place they use to repeat many times. Actually I have 2 listings booked each week (1 for 3 nights stays and the other for 4 nights stays) untill June!


After 2 stays I noticed what I could to better adapt what I use to offer to every guest: one is a black tea lover plus milk and use stevia so I don't anymore store other teas and sugar for him. The other one only eat organic food so I bring fresh organic fruits.


And they allow me to come to take care of the garden during the day which is great at it is time saving!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'd actually rather blokes shaved in the shower. It's what I do, and why I provide one of those 'steam-free' travel mirrors in the shower. A better shave, and no nastiness in the sink.

Something that rattles me when staying in mainland Europe is the shortage of pillows. I stayed at a place (misterb&b in this case) in Barcelona last week. As is usual, just the one pillow each. Give me two, please!

PS. And no, no and NO to Lipton tea. It's a fraud!

Why do they even call Lipton 'tea'.  @Gordon0 So agree!!

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

something that I’ve seen a lot in hotels in Europe and not so much B&Bs is the “Double bed” fraud.  Two single beds pushed together and two single duvets/blankets on top is not a double bed.  It’s just not and I won’t be convinced otherwise. 🤪

@Mark1340 I agree that's not so great. I guess they're trying to make it easy for themselves to accommodate someone who wants a double or someone who wants two singles.

Actually, 2 single widths doesn't equate to a double- it becomes the width of a king (but shorter than a king)- at least in standard Canadian/US bed sizes. I know standard sizes vary depending on countries, though.

Level 10
Vermont, United States

@Gordon0  I like your suggestion on the steam-free shower mirror.

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Mark1340  Check, check, and check. When can I expect you? 🙂

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

Would love to visit your home if I’m ever lucky enough to be in beautiful New Zealand.  It’s on my travel list.

hey Mister Mark you re welcome any time my watsap is 00212771485728 i live near the desert merzouga its so amazing to come here beleive me i like british guests

Level 2
Goulmima, Morocco

hi every body


welcome in my simple garden housse where i writed my first bok titled :  one century of terror and in french : un siecle de terreur


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Lorna112  Please stop spamming this forum. You have posted this on 4 threads today and it has nothing to do with the topics. This is not the place to advertise your Airbnb. 

OK Sarah - when you personally are ready to visit Disney Orlando -please let me connect you to some great places to stay here! Thanks Sarah or Mexico (level 10)  Sarah