Special prices for special days visible

Special prices for special days visible


I tried to creating a special price for special days : for example VALENTINE'S DAY but I was not able .

Better : I am able to modify the price but I would like to name this offer : ie "VALENTINE'S day with a special surprise "

Do you have any suggests about ? 

If it s not possible I would suggest to enable this feature in the platform.



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can mention in the description of your listing you have a special offer on that day.

Hello Erniel,

Thanks for the reply.

As I understand you mean to add these info in the description section.

Well, it should be fine and enough  if the rules that you can create in the listing, would be visible to the guests when they are searching for an home. 

At this time thie feature seems to be not available.

Are you agree ? 

Any other comments from the community’s members should be useful.