In 2 days I've had two requests in which the message says saying nothing but "visiting friends." Just those 2 words, exaclty the same. One was for only 1 night and the other for 2 nights, both last minute requests - one for the following day and one for the same day in which the arrival time listed was earlier than the message was sent (seems like that shouldn't even be an option - perhaps something for the AirBnB website coders to look into). Both requests had exactly the same arrival and departure times, which happen to exacly match the earliest and latest times my profile says I'm willing to receive guests. The requests came from 2 different people but were within 24 hours of each other. One of the requesters did have 2 previous reviews (they were positive enough); the other did not have any.
What makes it even more strange is that the 2nd requester (according to the profile) lives in my city and had a wishlist that included places from all over the city, many quite far from each other, so unless there are a lot of friends to be visited all over the city and each one requires a new place to stay, there didn't seem to be any reason this requester was looking specifically in my neighbourhood. None of the other places on the wishlist were nearby, and they were of different price ranges as well, so it didn't seem to be the budget that was determining it either.
This just seems like too many coincidences for me. I declined both requests out of fear it was some kind of scam. Has anyone heard of anything like this or had similar corresponednces?