Superhost status changed due to cancellation?

Level 2
Kailua-Kona, HI

Superhost status changed due to cancellation?

Aloha, my name is Gladys. I cannot seem to find a way to contact someone at Airbnb regarding a cancellation, that I do not recall making. Any suggestions? Mahalo!


My superhost status is affected by this--what might I be missing?


Thank you for you help.



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Gladys5 Many Super Hosts are reporting that they have been notified of their loss of SH status due to a cancellation they didn't make. I think there was a screw up in Airbnb's software which I believe they are in the process of fixing.  If it is not fixed in a couple of days, contact Airbnb.

Thank you for the quick response.  I shall continue to check.

Level 10
Austin, TX

As @Clare0 said, it's a temporary issue. Others who have been affected have been in contact with AirBnB and AirBnB has said it's a known issue that they're working to fix. They're also gradually restoring affected hosts' Superhost status. If yours doesn't return with a few days, contact AirBnB.

Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Gladys5,


I have sent all the posts on the topic of hosts losing SH status for cancelling on a guest when they did not cancel to the folks @Airbnbhelp.  They did tell me that they would look into the cases of the posts I sent them so hopefully they will fix or escalate this to the right people for you.  


Below is the response I received from them:


"We'll look into these specific cases, many hosts were notified they had lost status due to the a cancellation but upon review it's evident they lost status was due to not meeting one of the other requirements.
+90% response rate +commitment (no cancellations)
+80% of reviews are 5 start ratings
+must complete 10 reservations in the last year.


If a host missed the SH qualifications, like response rate or reviews, their account will be under review for the SH status on July 1st. We hope this is clear and if you have any other quesitons, let us know. Here is the Superhost hotline number: 1-888-326-5753 Thank you for all your questions and support!


We also encourage you have any host contact us directly and we'll have specialist investigate the issue and follow up with them directly."


So, if this issue does not get corrected for you @Gladys5, contact Airbnb.




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